Hands o Time push fest

  • When:06/05/14
  • QIC: Escalade
  • The PAX: Posh, Bull, Tumbler, SS Minnow, Othello, White Bronco, Chaos, Banjo Boy, Diesel, BBQ, Deuce, Swami, Wildcat, Escalade

Hands o Time push fest

14 men gathered at The Ridge today for a muggy beatdown.

Warm Up:

  • Mosey around the lot.
  • 25 SSH
  • 20 Imp Storm Troopers
  • Medley of Merkins
  • 5 regular, 5 wide, 5 diamond

Mosey to the wall –

  • 10 Donkey Kicks
  • Peoples Chair w/air press
  • 1 min BTW
  • Peoples Chair
  • 15 Donkey Kicks
  • Peoples chair

Mosey to the lot for Hands of Time

12 and 6  – 5 burpees

all other stations 5 merkins

Mosey to field for wind sprints.

  • 4 x across the field
  • 2 x choo choo

Mosey back to the lot for Hands of Time repeato


  • 20 LBC
  • 20 Reverse Crunch
  • 20 Low Flutter
  • 15 High Low Flutter
  • 10 Heels to Heaven
  • 15 Mason Twist
  • 15 Crunchy Frog
  • 15 Squirm
  • 1 min plank.


The moleskin:

  1. Strong group today.   Hands of Time took all of 4 min…  even after the sprints.  No playing in this crowd.
  2. Look out the Wildcat is back!   Good to see classes are over and a return to the group.
  3. Deuce needs a vacation!   Please help by attending the Warrior One training classes coming soon on Sundays.   Shoot an email to F3harrisburg@gmail.com if you are interested.
  4. Harrisburg food pantry needs baby food, diapers, wipes, and stuff.  Please bring to your next post.

Have a blessed day,

– Escalade


About the author

escalade author

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Brian Koomen
Brian Koomen
10 years ago

Nothing like some Donkey kicks to get the blood flowing!!
Thanks for the beat down this am.

10 years ago

Escalade, nice one. I liked the hands of time. Think we could of skipped the donkey kicks…and the repeato. Donkey kicks always kick my @$$ (pun intended).

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