Insert Witty Title Here

  • When:05/31/14
  • QIC: Joker
  • The PAX: Lobster Roll, O'Tannenbaum, Donkey Kong, Abacus, Root Canal [FNG]

Insert Witty Title Here

Six men gathered at McKee Road Elementary School for Area 51’s Saturday morning special.

SSH X 20

Squats X 20

IW X 20

Lunge Walk – Curb to Curb X 2

10 pull ups / 20 incline merkins; 9 pull ups / 18 incline merkins; 8 pull ups / 16 inclines… you get the idea

Relay Races

– Race #1 Each team member does 1/4 mile run, with team doing 150 merkins in total

– Race #2 Each team member does 1/4 miles run, with team doing 200 squats in total


People’s Chair

Field work – high knees, butt kickers, karaoke right, karaoke left, back pedal, sprint [with 10 merkins between each change over]

Rock Pile – Curls X 3 sets; Squats X 3 sets; shoulder press X 3 sets

Mary again

10 burpees OYO


– Impressive showing by today’s FNG [“Root Canal”]… local dentist, of course… showing up on his own – in heavy rain – without his “sponsor.”

-Donkey Kong – our very own Benjamin Button – seems to get younger with each passing year.  Can he really only be 28?  Must feel good to be the War Baby at every workout.

-O’Tannenbaum’s velcro strap shoes are – thankfully – nearing the end of life.  Any man that drives a Lexus should know better than to be seen in public with velcro on his shoes.

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Joker author

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10 years ago

The legend of the shoes will live on forever. I still don’t think OT has figured out how to post comments, or tie his shoes, or he would certainly defend himself here.

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