Jack Webb Chaser

  • When:05/12/14
  • QIC: Geraldo
  • The PAX: Passport, Big Top, Smash, Marvel, Swanson, Chipotle, Long Distance (Kotters), 3 Alarm, Ralphie, Klunken, Robin Hood (WD), Gummy, Otter, Hopper, Scabby, Simba, Dirty Diana, Spinner, Fireman Ed, Geraldo (QIC)

Jack Webb Chaser


20 Pax crawled out of their fartsacks and started their week off right at Base Camp

The Thang:


  • SSH x 25
  • Merkins  x 15
  • IW x 20
  • Parker Peter x 15
  • LBCs x 20
  • Mountain Climbers x 15

Move to bleachers for circuit work:

  • Step ups x 20 (10 each leg)
  • Dips x 15
  • Squats x 20
  • Supine pull ups x 15
    Repeato – 3 sets total

Mosey to the track & partner up  for Catch Me If You Can

Partner 1 runs while Partner 2 does called exercise and then take off to catch Partner 1. Flapjack

  • Lap 1 Dolly’s x 15
  • Plank until all the Pax completes the lap
  • Lap 2 Merkins x 5
  • Plank until all the Pax completes the lap

Say hello to our friend to our friend Jack Webb

  •  Up and down 5

Mosey to the bathrooms for peoples chair

  • Round 1 Arms Out
  • Round 2 Arm Raises
  • Round 3 Arms Out

Return to the parking lot for Mary

  • Rosalita x 15
  • LBCs x 20
  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • Heels to heaven x 15
  • Merkins x 10
  • Freddy Mercury x 10
  • Squats x 12 to finish out


  • Strong effort by the Pax today, thanks for the opportunity to lead, it is truly an honor
  • The QIC felt a little chase was in order with Catch Me If You Can this morning. So much for the called Fellowship Pace as some of the Pax brought their smoke boots today. Passport brought it this morning leaving Fireman Ed to kick it up a notch.
  • It’s always a nice when our old friend Jack Webb stops by for a visit #RunstopperFavorite
  • Welcome back Long Distance to Base Camp
  • Thanks for taking us out Simba


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Geraldo author

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