Slings and Arrows of Outrageous Fortune

Slings and Arrows of Outrageous Fortune

It was 450 years ago on this day that none other than Shakespeare himself was born. The mysterious workings of the universe are such that there were 11 abed this day who from within the fartsack asked themselves, “To be, or not be–that is the question. Whether ’tis nobler to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to sleepeth in on this lovely spring morn. . . To sleep. Perchance to dream. Aye there’s the rub. I shall find my way to The Charge.” And that’s how we came to participate in. . .


DDs Q:

10 Burpees

Mosey around the parking lot with High Knees; Heels to Butts, Karaoke

Mosey to upper field

Single leg lunges

Circle around basketball court

25 SSH; 25 Imperial Walker; 25 Mount climbers; 25 Peter Parker; 25 Parker Peter; 25 LBC

10 Burpees

Mosey back thru campus

10 dips

10 incline Merkin

10 decline Merkin

REPEATO w 15s then 20s

Peoples chair 90 secs; Wall Plank

Balls to wall 60 secs

People chair w air press 60 secs

Balls to wall sliding down to wall plank 60 secs

Bear crawl and crab walk 35 yards thru high road cones

Mosey to stadium

partner 1 sprints around back of stadium, up the spiral staircase and accross the top of the bleachers and down to meet partner 2

partner 2: (100 reps, 4 different ex.)

20 dips, 20 Merkins, 20 LBCs, 20 steps ups, 20 decline mercins


50 Shades Q:

Mosey to field.
100 yd dash dropping to belly every 10. Run back.
Last man planking, everyone run 100 yds and back when you fail until last man is planking. Big Kudos to Mr. Green and Chowda who agreed to call it a draw after planking for what seemed like nearly half an hour.
Mosey back to lot w jail break.



Two new boot camp workouts in the area: Casbah meets Fridays at 0530 at Sharon Elementary. Black Widow meets Tuesdays at 0530 at Trinity Presbyterian.

Yesterday Power Play was an FNG at Black Widow. Today he was a veteran at The Charge. Who is this guy? Time will tell.

See you in The Gloom.


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50 Shades author

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