Moderately Soggy

Moderately Soggy

Mosey to basketball court
Mountain Climber x 20
Slow Squat x 20
Slow jog to concession stand for starfish:

Run from concession area to each of four stations at foul poles of ball fields. Jump squats, dips, sister mary catherines, Carolina dry docks, with 5 incline merkins at the concession area.

Repeat 3 times total.

Mosey to wall of school for alternating peoples’ chair and plank.

Mosey to parking lot for moderate beast. At each island, do 5 of the called exercise and return to start: merkins, squats, calf raises, SSH, burpees.

To the track for bear crawl and crab walk.

Gather under the school dropoff covering for Mary: Flutter, Dolly, Protractor, Peter Parker, Freddy Mercury, LBCs, Parker Peters.


I not so secretly hoped that nobody would show up for a cold, rainy workout. I even tried to talk my 2.0 (Taffy) out of going after he got up. Hopper had told me he’d definitely be there, so off we went. Hopper was already there, Pele pulled in and then High Tide came in on two wheels at 7:00. Our attempts to stay relatively try were silly – puddles everywhere. It was a good workout though, and the rain wasn’t too bad. Once you’re wet, you’re wet.

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