A good Friday it is indeed. 22 men gathered in the gloom to make their downpainment for the day. YHC was happy to introduce a new coupon to the rotation… Yes they will be back.
The Thang;
Mosey to the “warm up lot”
Mosey to M Escargot’s Sorento to introduce the new coupons.
Pair up and grab a pair of savory companions for the duration. YHC was expecting a smaller turnout, 16 or less and we each would have had our own set.
Mosey to the main lot.
Partner one take a lab with coupons, partner two 10 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 20 LBCs
By now YHC was already hating Chipotle for picking the 10lbs instead of 5lbs.
Rinse and repeat.
Each partner take a coupon and mosey to the school entrance.
People’s chair with coupon of course.
Coupon out front for 30 seconds, overhead for 30 and then back to front for 30.
Repeat above for 20 seconds each.
People’s chair with shoulder presses. 20 each arm.
Mosey to the front tables for 11s dips with coupon in lap and decline Merkins.
Mosey to the main lot.
Lunges with coupon 20 each leg.
Squats with coupon-20
On to some Mary
Flutter-25 HOLD
Russian Twist with coupons-20
Knee ups with coupon-20
Mole Skin;
Moral of the story, to much time on IR is not good for anyone.
I hope everyone has a blessed Easter weekend. Prayers for safe travels to all of F3nation.
There is a 3rd F workout every Friday at Panera on the corner of Carmel and 51 lead by Purple Haze and Champagne. We will be starting a new book soon, so it is a great time to join in.
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