As The Polar Vortex enveloped the area once again, The PAX scrambled to relocate all that cold-weather gear. From inside the cozy comfort of the fartsack, the cold seemed worse than it was in reality. This was nothing compared to The Deep Freeze of weeks gone by. Six brave men in long-sleeves congregated to participate in. . .
Mosey to track for a warm-up lap doing some high knees, butt kickers and karaoke en route.
Center of the field for COP
Copperhead Squats
Mountain Climbers
Carolina Drydocks
Peter Parker
Meet up at the goal line of Providence Day School’s heated field.
Bear crawl to 10. Crab walk back.
Bear crawl to 20. Crab back.
Bear crawl to 30. Crab back. Plank-o-rama
Ow-er Glass: Run the field in an hourglass design with called exercises at the corners and center.
Near and far corner: 5 Jump Squats
Center: 5 Burpees
Opposite corners: 5 Merkins
Rinse & Repeat with an Increase to 10 of each. YHC was going to take it to 15, but judging by the jagged, labored breathing, it was time to switch things up.
Mosey to the stands the back way and up the stairs. People’s Chair to explain:
5 jump ups; dips; derkins run up the stairs for 5 LBCs & back. Plank. Rinse and repeat with reps of 10; 15; 10 5.
Barracuda Bunny Hop: Jump two steps; jump back one. Take it to the top for 10 Jump Squats
People’s Chair at concession stand with air presses.
Russian Twist
Low, Slow Flutter
Heels to Heaven
Quiet crowd afterwards. Beetle announced that YHC had been Q for the last 3 days at Copperhead, Black Widow and now The Charge #humblebrag. YHC may well fartsack tomorrow.
There’s also been mumblechatter about The Charge and the fact that it’s classified as “Charlotte–South” even though it is easy to access for many in the Charlotte–Metro area. Not sure what would help with attendance or awareness, but ideas and suggestions are welcome.
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