8 PAX decide forecast for a little rain was no reason to stay home and headed out to McKee Road Elementary for 60 minutes of fun. By the end, all were glad they made that decision to put the work in on a nice spring morning here in the Carolinas. Here is how the morning unfolded:
Jog to parking lot by the soccer fields for COP:
- SSH x 20 (IC)
- IW x 20 (IC)
- Squats x 20 (IC)
- Merkins x 15 (IC)
- Peter Parker x 20 (IC)
- Parker Peter x 20 (IC)
Mosey over to teacher’s parking lot and line up at 1st light post for some suicides:
- Run 1/3 lot, 5 Merkins & run back
- Run 2/3 lot, 10 Merkins & run back
- Run full lot, 15 Merkins & run back
- Rinse & repeat x 2 (w/ Jump Squats Rd 2 & CDD Rd 3)
Head over to playground for a little circuit work:
- 10 Pull-ups, 20 Dips, 20 Incline Merkins
- 10 Pull-ups, 20 Dips, 20 Decline Merkins
- 10 Pull-ups, 20 Dips, 20 Step-ups
Jog down to front of school for PC:
- PC x 75 sec (w/ arms out front, arms over head)
- Lunge walk across bus parking lot
- PC x 60 sec (w RL up, LL up)
- Lunge walk across bus parking lot
Head over to side of school and circle up for Jack Webb:
- 1 Merkin/4 Air Presses up to 7 Merkins/28 Air Presses
- Back down from 6 Merkins/24 Air Presses to 1 Merkin/4 Air Presses
Mosey over to the stumps behind school for another round of circuit work:
- 10 Jump-ups/Step-ups, 10 Tire hops, Run around the tires
- Rinse & Repeat x 2
Find a little higher ground for 6 MOM:
- Dolly x 20, hold’em
- Flutter x 20, hold’em
- Rosalita x 20, keep’m at 90 degrees for Protractor
- Protractor – 90, 45, 10, 45, 90, 45, 10
- LBC x 25
Jog back to parking lot by soccer fields and line up on curb:
- Bear crawl 1/2 across, Run 1/2, 5 Merkins, Crab walk 1/2 back, Run 1/2, 10 Merkins
- Rd 2 – Lunge walk, Run, 5 Squats, Lunge Walk, Run, 10 Squats
- Rd 3 – Karaoke Rt across, 10 Sister Mary Catherine, Karaoke Lt across, 20 Sister Mary Catherine
Head back to launch point and finish it up with 10 Burpees OYO
- All in all, ground was not too wet after another round of rain the past day or so. Managed to stay on higher ground and only had one or two slips on the runs around the tires
- Turkey Leg and Far Side running strong on the suicides in the parking lot. Far Side turned on the afterburners for the last sprint and blew us all away
- Coach pushing the PAX on the 2nd round of circuit work on the stumps and tires
- Kuechly was saving his energy for soccer game later in the day
- Strong effort put forth by Blue Hen, Burgundy, and Twister. Twister continues to post each week after traveling all week down to Louisiana for work
- Mud Run scheduled for 4/12. Information and sign-up/payment for bus ride and sundries is detailed in weekly e-mail. Stagecoach (tj.zitney@gmail.com) has the details
- Turkey Leg announced change for Fast Twitch. Still have the early start time of 5:15, but they will now be going for 60 minutes on Tuesdays. YHC was anticipating a change to 5:30 start time but instead got the news of an additional 15 minutes of pain instead
- Far Side is coordinating “F3 Trips for Kids Ride” on 4/5. We will be taking about 15 kids from the Grier Heights neighborhood who participate in AG Middle School Bulldogs Matter tutoring program for a morning of mountain biking at Francis Beatty Park. Looking for 10-15 PAX to help out with this worthwhile event. M’s and 2.0’s are welcome to join in. Contact Far Side (Frank.Larsen@cbre.com) to sign up.
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