Beef . . . Stew

Beef . . . Stew

We started off with beef and ended with stew …. And a little Chowda in the middle. 11 strong men set out in the gloom to conquer the charge.

It went something like this:

Mosey around the loop and mix in some karaoke, head down to the track for a lap and some COP

25 SSH

15 Merkins

20 Squats

Mosey to the field for some Beef Stew:

Sprint 100 yds and back and stop every 20 yds for beef. Increase reps from 2 4 6 8 10, and decrease on return trip 8 6 4 2.

4 rounds

Plank Jack + plank

Burpee + plank

Squat + lbc

Merkin + lbc

Crab walk to 50 & bear crawl back

Mosey to wall and partner up

Partner 1 wall sit + air pres, partner 2 run across field, 10 hand release Merkins and run back, flapjack

Rd 2 partner 1 BTW, partner 2 5 knee slaps

Mosey to bleachers for 3 rds of steps + 10 lbc, 10 dips, 10 derkins

Rd 1 as you please

Rd 2 bunny hop 2 step

Rd 3 bunny hop 2 up 1 back

Mosey back to parking lot for Mary

15 flutter

15 HTH

6 inches


Posted by YHC on behalf of Double D’s

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50 Shades author

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