Eleven of Charlotte’s finest men found themselves together at Providence Day School. It was Hump Day. Despite the threat of rain, the weather was mild and spirits were high. It was time to greet the day. Double D’s called the start and it was on.
The Thang:
Mosey to back parking lot of St. Stephen Methodist.
High Knees, Butt Kickers, Karaoke, Backwards Run, Backwards Stutter Run (2 steps left foot; 2 steps right)
Circle Up:
30 SSH
20 IW
20 LBCs
Partner up. Partner 1 sprint to entrance of parking lot and back; partner 2 merkins–flapjack. Repeat with squats; wide-arm merkins while partner 1 bear crawls out and backward bear crawls back. flapjack
Mosey to field with 10 Turkish Getups OYO along the way.
Catch me if you can: Partner 1 runs track. Partner 2: 10 merkins and then catches up to partner 1, who drops to do merkins. Repeat for one lap. Elevated plank along the wall. Catch me if you can with LBCs. People’s Chair
Q now belonged to Pain Master, John Deere, who took the field to run the PAX through the following:
Run 10 yards; drop and belly crawl 20 yds. Sprint to 50 yard line and back to goal line.
Run 10 yards; bear crawl 20 yds. Sprint to 50 and back to goal line.
10 over/unders; flapjack.
Elbow Plank: Last Man Planking (props to GAAP and John Deere)
Crabbarrow 10 yards; flapjack
Circle up. 10 Burpees OYO; 20 SSH; 9 Burpees OYO; 15 Jump Squats; 8 Burpees; 15 Prisoner Squats; 7 Burpees; 15 Windmills; 6 Burpees . . . TIME.
Moleskin: Field-turf-belly-crawl carpet burns aside, Double D’s and John Deere did what they always do–deliver a full 45 minutes of the good stuff. PDS is a great playground for what we do and it’s good to see new faces coming to check out The Charge. Tesla took us out into the day with good prayers as he so often does.
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