The morning bell tolled and 19 pax headed into the gloom for #Stonehenge. The theme for the day was iterations of upper and lower body, with much of the lower body exercises proving to be a pain in the a$$ (loiterally, at least for YHC). Great effort by all.
The Thang
– Various exercises interspersed with a merkin ladder.
– SSH, IW, LBCs, more LBCs, merkins, squats, etc.
– Merkin Ladder began at 10, went down to 1, for 2 with did 2 dozen to keep the pax guessing
People’s Chair
– laddered with merkins in between
– mixture of one legged, arm presses and regulaar PC for the pax
Partner Hill Repeats
Round 1:
– P1 LBCs, P2 run up hill, 50 LBCs and run back
Round 2:
– P1 Jump Squats, P2 run up hill, 30 Burpees and run back
Cool down/Victory lap for all around parking lot
Round 3:
– P1 Lunges, P2 run to second light, lunge walk to top, 20 Merkins, lunge walk back to light and run back
Round 4:
– P1 Lunges, P2 run to second ligh, lunge walk to top, 20 Merkins, Bear crawl back to light and run back
Run back to launch
– Solid work by all today. T-claps to Honey Bee for rucking the workout. He is in great shape for the extra CSAUP GORUCK Challenge.
– Pax are in good shape. I expected folks to struggle more on the hill an everyone attacked it. #beastmode
– GORUCK Challenge on Friday March 14. Come support your F3 brothers who are participating. Check website and email for location details.
– F3 Mentoring program is getting underway. Check website for details. Also, tutoring opportunities in south Charlotte. Talk to #Champagne (aka Brett Briggs) for details.
– Still need pax for the BRR teams. If interested, make it know at various workouts and we will get you connected.
– Sunday morning Rumrnner Run launches at 0600 from ABC Arboretum. Various distances and runners of all shapes, sizes nd abilities are encouraged to attend. #ironsharpensiron
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