It was cold, wet, and miserable. Eight dedicated men showed up to celebrate the birthday of the centurion. YHC must admit, I would not have posted if I had not already requested to Q.
The Thang;
Mosey to the East parking lot
SSHs- 30
Merkins- 10
Imperial Walkers- 20
Mosey to Carmel Commons
Split into two groups
Group one head up and do 10 burpees
Group two 10 Merkins and head up
Alternating at top and bottom,
20 Carolina Dry Docks
20 squats
15 Diamonds/15 Wide arms
30 LBCs
10 Merkins, 10 Dry Docks, 10 burpees
YHC had an escalating plan in mind which quickly fell apart.
Mosey to the Fifth Third bank drive through.
Mosey to the Wells Fargo drive through
20 Knee Ups
Mosey to School Entrace
Peoples Chair
Rinse and Repeat
YHC made a solid attempt to keep the Pax dry, but one can probably guess what comes after the hand off to Runstopper.
• Partner up (size doesn’t matter) under the entrance at CCHS
• Wheelbarrow 100 ft (down stairs, to road)
Run to lower practice field. Line up along imaginary line for suicides.
Set #1:
• Sprint ½ length of field, back to start
• Sprint full length of field, back to start
• Sprint full length of field, back to start
• Sprint ½ length of field, back to start
Set #2:
• Lunge walk to mid field, bear crawl reminder of field.
• Repeat
Climb out of the muddy practice field to parking lot next to football stadium.
Partner up with same partner
2 Sets:
Partner Touch Mirkens x25
Partner Touch Squats x25
Partner incline Mirkens x25 (partner 1, plank; partner 2 incline Mirkens with feet on back of partner 1) FLAPJACK
Naked Moleskin:
• Running the stairs at Panera offered a bit of relief from the downpour, but trudging through the lower practice fields proved to be a #soggybottomboys remix. #NASTYNASTYNASTY
• T-claps to those who have been a part the past year at #Centurion, it has been an honor growing this site and watching each man become stronger in body and soul! – Runstopper
T-claps to Runstopper for assisting with access to the solid location that is the Centurion.
T-claps to Chelms for keeping the Centurion going through all my time on IR.
T-claps to all the Centurion pax for stepping up and continuing to throw new twists to our pain.
I look forward to the year to come. Aye!
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