Cringe at Stonehenge

Cringe at Stonehenge


22 gathered at the Vine hoping to kick off March with some warm weather. While that didn’t happen (it was about 30 degrees), there were no complaints on the weather or anything else until there were a few new moves introduced to the routine. All in all a good workout and our two new FNG’s, Cole Slaw and Fertile Myrtle, surely walked away with some new respect for F3 and all that it brings to the table!

Warmup: SSH x 25, Kick Squats x 20 (kick + leg raise + squat), Man-maker Merkins X 20, Backward Lung with core twist x 20, 1 minute plank, Man-maker burpees x 10,

Ran to lake and gathered at knee wall. 2 sets of decline merkins and dips x 15. ran to exercise trail and split into 3 groups for at 3 stations and each group rotated to each station. 1st station: LBC’s and Burpee’s to a Pull up X 8,  2nd station: Jump squats x 10 and supine pull-ups x 20,  3rd station: man-maker merkins x 10 and supine pull-ups x 20.  Planks while all finished.

Ran across the bridge and parking lot to the hill across the road where we did 7 hills and 7 sets of jump lunges starting with 1 each leg and up to 7 each leg. Indian run about 1/2 mile to open field beside the parking garage or a series of suicides.  Bear Crawls with merkins (5 count crawl with 5 merkins, 4 count crawls with 4 merkins, then 3, then 2, then 1, followed by 10 jump squats.  This was repeated 4 times until we made it across the filed.  Sprints to the middle followed by an exercise then sprint to end with the same exercise – sets included (burpees x 5, mountain climbers x 20, Carolina dry docks x 10, jump ups x 10).

Circled up for Mary with 20 reps in cadence for each set (LBC, Dolly, Flutter, Heels to Heaven, Rosalita, Mason twist, Bicycle, Side crunches each side, great American hero, and J Lo’s).

Ran 3/4 mile back to the Vine for the finish.

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Frehleys Comet author

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