Bagpipe and a Chippy

Bagpipe and a Chippy

Haggis posting for the Chipster

The past two weeks Bagpipes has had record turnout, I guess the potential of wet weather made a lot of men fart sackers this morning…..

Warm Up: 20 IW, 20 SSH, 20 Mountain Climbers

Mosey to building 1 for a jack webb like mixture of jump ups and squats ( 1 jump x 5 squats, 2 jump ups x 10 squats……to 5 jump ups to 25 squats)

Mosey to building 2 and partner up

100 combined Merkins followed by lap around lake

100 Burpes… 75 burpes…..Ohama make that 50 burpes followed by lap around lake

200 LBCS followed by lap around lake

100 Dips followed by lap around lake

200 Flutters followed by lap around lake

Mosey back to vine parking lot for mary merkin combo

2 Merkins

10 J Lo’s (no surpise Long distance called that…..marc anthony wanna be)

4 Merkins

10 Bicycles

6 Merkins

20 Mason Twist

8 Merkins

25 Rosalitas

10 Merkins

25 Heels to Heaven

8 Merkins

25 dollies

6 Merkins

15 Canoe or Boats….cannot recall the name however something Cheese Curd called out

4 Merkins

30 (15 Left, 15 Right) side something’s……another move I cannot remember the name Mic Check called this one out

2 Merkins

20 Half ass merkins….i think that was the name

Glad I made the call not to go to the parking deck to work out, the rain, snow, sleet, freezing rain held off until we finished.  Today seemed like the clock was running slow.  The jump up /squat combos are a great way to start the morning….ouch.  Great work by all, it is always a pleasure to led this group of men.  Mic Check said to wax up the sleds and met him at The Maul tomorrow…….

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Haggis author

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