12 spry young fellows made it out to Monday mornings festivities to start the week off right. YHC had been pretty busy with an event filled weekend leaving me with precious little time to orchestrate a proper beatdown, and now 4 days time separates us from the thang. This aught to be good.
Mosey to football field/track
SSH x 20
IW x 20
Merkins x 15
Slow Squat x 15
(one or 2 others)
Partner Suicides – Partner up
P1 run suicide to cone 1, P2 LBC, FlapJack, to cone 2, then 3, then 4
(each person ran a full 4 cone suicide and did exercise)
Repeato w/burpees
Repeato w/flutters
Ultimate Hair Burners
form 6 lines (as i have 6 discs)
Hairburner push with disc to cone 2 (audible on rough football surface to only go to cone 1) #CrowdPleaser #LDmentionsthisisbasecamp #cough #cough
Plank it up till all are done
Frisbee Clinic
6 guys tossed the frisbee as far as they could. Go fetch everyone. (think spinner or passport won the longest drive)
Round up the cones and frisbees, mosey back to pavilion for some PC
Backs to the wall for 2 min chair w/arms out, palms up, arms overhead, push press and 10 count six inch lower in chair. Repeato
Assorted mary followed by 10 burpees OYO
the pax were strong this morning as YHC rolled up with a few mins to spare as Passport/Fireman Ed rochambeau for Q. Fear not guys. I made it. LD seemed less than pleased with the hairburners. Strange Brew had some advice for Q on tee-ing up exercises. Tks brew. criticism is always welcome. My apologies if I have forgotten anything. I fartsacked the BB for 4 days now.
BRR signups and training in full effect. See Baracus
GoRuck Custom 3/14. If you ever had a passing thought, make it a reality.
USMC Mud Run coming up soon. If you’re free-agent let someone know and they’ll find you a team.
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