“Navy SEAL Fitness Test”

“Navy SEAL Fitness Test”

13 men gathered at Joust for a workout modeled after the “Navy SEAL Fitness Test”… shown in quotes for a number of reasons… the most important of which is that we aren’t actually in the Navy; and we also didn’t do the swim component of the fitness test [which I imagine to be a pretty important part for an actual SEAL… they do a little swimming, right?].  So while we weren’t real Navy men, we disembarked from our military vehicles [well… minivan for me, if truth be told], and got after it. 

The Thang

Little Baby Jog to the football field

Quick warm up… you know the drill… SSH, IW and Squats

Navy SEAL Fitness Test

– Merkins – AMRAP with 2 minute time limit [threshold requirement of at least 42]

-Sit Ups – AMRAP with 2 minute time limit [threshold requirement of at least 52]

-1.5 mile run – complete in less than 11 min and 30 seconds

– Pull ups – complete at least 8 [no time limit] with full arm extension

Little Baby Jog up to parking lot

Close out with plank-o-rama, merkins and CDDs


Sorry I didn’t list the full PAX in the backblast [I left my Weinke back at the house]. 

Good times out there this morning.  I think the last fitness test workout I led was something modeled after the Stanford Woment’s soccer team, so today’s workout ranked much higher on the manliness scale.  We are just a bunch of 40-something suburban dads for the most part, but we gave it our all out there in the gloom today.  Lab Rat looked great on the track.  Lobster Roll had a strong performance in all elements of the fitness test; he already had the haircut of a military man, so we may want to just swing him by to see a local Navy recruiter.  Great way to start a Friday.

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Joker author

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Cheese Curd
11 years ago

Joker, I am not sure if I am not Seal qualified or not, as I saw different numbers for the test: Minimum Standards
1.5 Mile Timed Run 10:30
500 Yard Swim 8 Minutes (may have DQ’d us anyway!)
Pushups 50
Sit-ups 50
Pull-ups 10

However, Great site for the test. It was harder then I thought with “perfect” form. I was going to ask about the mini van, are you worried about TR’s warning on hiding your keys. You took it to a new level, just change out rides. Good call on vehicle selection! Also, a spotter on your pull-ups, I would have like to see some more arm extensions…..oooohhhh!

Thanks Spandex for your heavy foot prints behind me, because of you, I pushed harder.

Cheese Curd
11 years ago

It’s because I love! Don’t get me wrong you crushed them and the run! Hey, your the one that stress perfect form…Just short changing yourself…LOL!

11 years ago

Push ups: 37
Sit ups 38
Run: under time
Pull-ups: 0. “3” assisted

Joker – great job on the work out this morning. It was a ton of fun and much harder than expected. I really didn’t think we would fill the time that man did it ever.
Strange brew – thanks for the motivation and tips on form to really push it during the work out.
Cheese Curd – I’m not sure if I was pushing or you were pulling. No way I would have made time w/o hanging on!

Reply to  Spandex
11 years ago

Check that: 42 sit ups.

Stone Cold
11 years ago

Great workout today Joker. Tclaps for bringing out this “test”. We’ll have to remember this one and pull it out again. My partner Lobster Roll aced this part of the test with
97 push-ups, ~70 sit-ups (?), under 11 min on the 1.5 mi, and of course had no problem with the pull ups. Something tells me he can swim too. Good job, bro!

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