13 men gathered at Joust for a workout modeled after the “Navy SEAL Fitness Test”… shown in quotes for a number of reasons… the most important of which is that we aren’t actually in the Navy; and we also didn’t do the swim component of the fitness test [which I imagine to be a pretty important part for an actual SEAL… they do a little swimming, right?]. So while we weren’t real Navy men, we disembarked from our military vehicles [well… minivan for me, if truth be told], and got after it.
The Thang
Little Baby Jog to the football field
Quick warm up… you know the drill… SSH, IW and Squats
Navy SEAL Fitness Test
– Merkins – AMRAP with 2 minute time limit [threshold requirement of at least 42]
-Sit Ups – AMRAP with 2 minute time limit [threshold requirement of at least 52]
-1.5 mile run – complete in less than 11 min and 30 seconds
– Pull ups – complete at least 8 [no time limit] with full arm extension
Little Baby Jog up to parking lot
Close out with plank-o-rama, merkins and CDDs
Sorry I didn’t list the full PAX in the backblast [I left my Weinke back at the house].
Good times out there this morning. I think the last fitness test workout I led was something modeled after the Stanford Woment’s soccer team, so today’s workout ranked much higher on the manliness scale. We are just a bunch of 40-something suburban dads for the most part, but we gave it our all out there in the gloom today. Lab Rat looked great on the track. Lobster Roll had a strong performance in all elements of the fitness test; he already had the haircut of a military man, so we may want to just swing him by to see a local Navy recruiter. Great way to start a Friday.
Push ups: 37
Sit ups 38
Run: under time
Pull-ups: 0. “3” assisted
Joker – great job on the work out this morning. It was a ton of fun and much harder than expected. I really didn’t think we would fill the time that man did it ever.
Strange brew – thanks for the motivation and tips on form to really push it during the work out.
Cheese Curd – I’m not sure if I was pushing or you were pulling. No way I would have made time w/o hanging on!
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