Pre-Blast Rebel Yell kettlebell workout

Pre-Blast Rebel Yell kettlebell workout

Anyone looking for a Double Down opportunity, meet 5am for a kettlebell pre-Rebel Yell downPAINment. Workout has been tested and approved by YHC and left a lasting impression. Thought, why should I be he only one to enjoy it. I’ll share it with the F3 pax.
As a preview into what to expect:
2 handed swings —- lots of them
Super sets with an I go you go format. Trust me you will need the break.
Can you hang? Just remember this “that which does not kill me makes me stronger.”

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Crabcake author

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10 years ago

Cake, I will be there for the pre KB but have to leave right after. Youngest is getting tubes in ears and we gotta be at doctor by 6:00am.

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