9 dedicated PAX, including one 2.0, decided that even though the schools were out for Christmas break it was no time to sleep in. Forget those New Year’s Resolutions, the PAX were determined to continue putting in the work required to improve the 1st F.
Joker on Q:
Jog over to the soccer fields and circle up for COP:
- SSH x 20 (IC)
- IW x 20 (IC)
- Squat x 20 (IC)
Jog over to playground for some circuit work:
- 10 Pull-ups
- 20 Dips
- Rinse & Repeat
Jog back to center of soccer field for the Starfish:
- Run to 1st light pole, 20 CDDs, back to center light pole
- Run to 2nd light pole, 20 Merkins, back to center
- Run to 3rd light pole, 20 LBCs, back to center
- Run to 4th light pole, 20 Squats, back to center
- Run to 5th light pole, 10 Burpees, back to center
Jog to front of school for PC
- PC x 60 secs, 10 Decline Merkins
- PC x 45 secs, 20 Incline Merkins
Lunge walk/Merkins combo
- Lunge walk across parking lot, 20 Merkins, Lunge walk back
- Lunge walk across parking lot, 20 Merkins, Lunge walk back
Count off by 3’s for relay race around the track
6 MOM (Dolly, LBC, Flutter, Heels to Heaven)
Abacus on Q for 2nd Half:
Line up on the track for 11s:
- Run across track infield, 1 Merkin, back to other side, 10 Squats
- Continue the same working up to 10 Merkins & down to 1 Squat
Indian run to rock pile
Pick a friend & head over to soccer field:
- Rd 1 – 5 curls, run to mid-point w/ rock, drop rock & run to end, back to mid-point & 10 curls, back to start with rock
- Rd 2 – Rinse & Repeat with 5/10 chest presses
- Rd 3 – Rinse & Repeat with 5/10 goblet squats
- Rd 4 – Rinse & Repeat with 5/10 tricep extensions
- Return rock to its home
Jog over to the other end of soccer fields for a little JW:
- 1 Merkin/4 air presses up to 10 Merkins/40 air presses
Jog back to launch point for another 6 MOM:
- Dolly x 20 (IC), hold’em
- Rosalita x 20 (IC), hold’em
- LBC x 20 (IC)
- CCV x 10 (IC), on left side
- CCV x 10 (IC), on rt side
- On cue, clock strikes 0700 & Floor Slapper rolls in. Must be time to start. Wait, 1 more late arrival, so PAX jogs around parking lot to give O’Tannenbaum a chance to join the PAX.
- Strong effort by Heavyweight (Lightweight’s 2.0, 10 yrs old) as he kept at it for the full 60 min.
- Joker looked to be rounding back into form as he led the PAX in majority of runs.
- A little more running than usual this morning as Q’s kept the PAX moving. Just trying to keep everyone warm as temps hovered in high 20’s.
- No workout at McKee Rd Elementary next week, 1/4/14. Area 51 workout will be at convergance in Fort Mill with The Fort and Joe Davis 5K run. If not heading to Fort Mill, PAX can head over to the Rock or Outland for regularly scheduled 0700 Saturday workouts.
- New Year’s Day convergence at South Charlotte Middle School (sight of Death Valley). Workout begins at 0700. All other Wednesday workouts cancelled.
- A51 F3 viewing party for “Lone Survivor” movie scheduled for Jan 10 at Cinebarre theater at Arboretum. See E-vite from Stone Cold for details. All Area 51 sites scheduled for Jan 11 will be running “The Murph” for 2nd F/CSAUP event. (See preblast for additional info – http://f3nation.com/2013/12/27/area-51-2nd-f-preblast-lone-survivor-movie-friday-followed-by-murph-saturday/).
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