Will The Real “SLIM SHADY” Please Stand Up!

Will The Real “SLIM SHADY” Please Stand Up!

8  brave bad@$$e$ of Outland wern’t deterred by Cantore’s dismal future forecast, didn’t fall to the temptation of the warm and comfy fartsack and entered the gloom for their daily dose of downpainment.

The Thang:

Mosey to Disc GC where the VSF is planted –

Cop: SSH x 25, IW x 20, Mountain Climber x 20, Parker Peter x 15, Peter Parker x 15.

Field Work on the Pitch (Soccer Field) –

To the soccer field and partner up for some 2nd F #F3 fellowship – Each round, Q calls a number of reps and exercise for all 4 corners of soccer field.  Each pair must hit that number, even split or otherwise.

– Round 1: 100 Merkins, 50 Squats, 100 LBCs, 20 Burpees

– Round 2: 50 WideArms, 100 Flutters, 50 Squats, 20 Burpees

– Round 3: 50 Carolina Dry Docks, 50 In & Outs, 50 Dolly’s, 20 Burpees

– Round 4: 50 Diamonds (Shine Bright Baby), 50 Bicycles, 50 Squats, 20 Burpees

**Tag Out and in comes CT for Round 2 (Ding… Ding…) to run the show**

Mosey to the middle school

– Peoples Chair x 1 min

– BTW x 1 min

– Carolina Dry Docks x20

– Peoples Chair x 1 min

– Speed Squats x20

– BTW x 1 min

– Carolina Dry Docks x20

Mosey to lower field behind the school 

Ark Loader:

– Bear Crawl out

– run back and plank

– backward bear crawl out

– backpeddle back and plank

– lunge walk out 

– run back and plank

– backward lunge walk out 

– backpeddle back and dancing crab

– crabwalk out 

– run back and dancing crab

– mosey around school

– walk the plank

– continue to mosey

6 (plus) minutes of mary

– little baby crunch x20

– Freddy Mercury x15

– back scratchers x15

– cumberland county viaduct x15 left

– cumberland couty viaduct x15 right

– carolina jackknife x15

– protractor (bonus pain… thanks Z)

– scissor kicks

– mosey back to shovel flag

– 10 burpees to round out the time

The Moleskin:

Although Cantori and Vicki Graff predicted an abysmal weather forecast for Saturday’s beatdown, the PAX rose out of the fartsack to 67/70 degree temperatures much to their surprise.  So the PAX eagerly suited up and left the leg warmers behind along with the rest of their winter gear #bigmistake.  However, the mild temps were short lived as Old Man winter and the Arctic Abominable Snow Monster reared their ugly heads.

Midway through YHCs opening session, the PAX was met with Bone chilling, gail force winds picking up accompanied with — UM yeah that sideways freezing rain.  All at the blink of an eye. 

This resulted in the PAX retreating to their vehicles digging under their seats, rummaging through their trunks #anythingyoucanfind and throw on an additional seven or eight layers once the first 30 minute session was completed and the CO-Q exchange.  However, these brave souls weren’t deterred and we pressed on.

At one point, we caught a couple of the 2.0s hiding under the stairs during the ark loader like Auntie Em and Uncle Henry during the hurricane at the beginning of the Wizard of Oz.  I also believe I heard Double E or Speilberg call out to CT saying “I understand we’re in an exercise change but I’m going to turn into an ice cube if we don’t get moving again soon.”

Great work by all today amidst the tough conditions.  Big props to Horsehead as dude has completely come into his own and become a beast  #relentlessdedication.  Speilberg, strong performance as well as always – take care of that back and continue stretch it out.  YHC has a Jane Fonda video (leg warmers and leotard included) and yoga mat if you desire.

Lastly, we welcome Jim Halley (8 Mile) to the Charlotte South PAX and posting at Outland.  Dude came out of the shadows and arrived in the gloom in a fully suited up in Rocky sweats and Gangster hoodie to boot straight out of an Eminem video.  I wasn’t sure if it was Slim Shady himself, the Evil Emperor from Star Wars or the diabolical Bill Bellicheck on Sunday Gameday.  As he neared, it became clear to all that it was none other than Slim Shady himself directly from the 2002 movie release 8 mile.

Great to have you out today 8 Mile, keeping coming and keep posting — I promise it doesn’t get easier!  AYE

Thanks to all for allowing YHC to lead such a strong group of young man, the pleasure was certainly all mine.


T-Claps to Horshead for passing his PE Test (Engineering Exam)!!!!

-Z- is OUT

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10 years ago

Thanks for leading this weekend. That was some of the strangest weather I have ever seen.

Boondock was shivering like a wet cat in the truck and ready for the Starbucks hot chocolate afterwards.

I still have a long ways to go . . . thanks for helping me along the way.

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