YHC was initially concerned that the power of the fartsack was too great, that the dutch oven effect had clouded the memory and rational thinking of the pax, but at 6:57 the pax were rolling in (the Tides obviously), Swiss Miss forsook his second cup of hot chocolate and showed up, Relo rolled in and then the pax were off, oh wait, two laps into the warm up and there is Scissorhands (wasn’t convinced that a man who just ran an entire marathon should post at Ascent but we welcome all!).
So off we went:
Jog 2 laps of the mini track
Jog to playground equipment for Partner Pullups (AMRAP +2) x 2 rounds
Jog to small football field
Circle up: ask for thoughts on crowd favourites for later
SSH x 20
IW x 20
Hand release Merkins x 10
Mountain Climbers x 10
Squats (low slow) x 10
CDD’s x 15
Apollo Ono’s x 10 (speed skater move side to side)
Crowd favourite, oh wait, there wasn’t one? in that case go with everyone’s favourite…
Burpees x 5
Peter Parker x 10
Partner up:
Partner 1 runs to the benches by the baseball fields to do:
Dips x 15
Derkins (on knuckles for extra credit) x 10 (modify to inclines) Burpees x 5
Partner 2 Bear crawl (lunge walk to modify) to end of small football field and jogs back
Plank up for partner, then 10 partner sit ups (fist pump at the top)
Audible to NOT repeat that one, turns out the bear crawl was a good distance, don’t worry, shoulders still smoked by the end
No drop jog to big football field for:
Cross oblique crunch x 10 each side
Low Tide to lead/crush the pax with the remainder of the Mary
LBC’s x 20 (this was what was typed on the Weinke, seriously) but pax did 25
Flutter x 15 (LT modified to 20)
Dolly x 15 (LT modified to 20)
Heels to Heaven x 8
Crowd favourite? Protractor – called for by Scissorhands which was a good call, lead by LT which was a bad call (on YHC’s part)
Burpees x 10
Playground equipment for:
She hate me for 5 min with:
10 Merkins
10 Low Slow Squats
10 Ski Abs
10 Dips
5 count to yourself
Race Low Tide to the small football field for (yes LT won):
Alternating 10 yards bear crawl, 5 yards crabwalk (lunging as needed)
Little track for Catch Me If You Can:
Round 1:
Partner 1 10 Merkins
Partner 2 jog the track (jog, not run, slow jog if needed)
Do 2 laps
Round 2:
Partner 1 5 Squats
Partner 2 jog the track backwards (remember, slow jog although this is easier to remember when going backwards), oh yeah, don’t run into anyone doing squats
Do 2 laps
Jack Webb to 5 and back to 1
Surely we must be finished by now, Indian Run if not (we weren’t so 2 laps of Indian Run finished us off)
The temp managed to drop 12F while were were out there, when we started She Hate Me it seems like it dropped 5F in 5 min. Serious effort by the pax today, especially Relo, he left it all out there I can tell you, he had to sit in his car for a few minutes to get enough breath to drive off but he pushed himself pretty hard, well done partner. Scissorhands was claiming a full recovery post his 26.2 mile jog around Charlotte a couple of weeks back, great accomplishment, great inspiration to the rest of the pax. Was a bit of a mistake to have Low Tide lead most of the Mary, the Protractor was a bit extended, I don’t mean for Ascent, I mean for any workout, YHC had to take 2 breaks to make it to the end, yikes, also the prescribed rep count on the Weinke were loosely adhered to (as in increased almost every time) but a strong lead by the younger Tide none the less! YHC was chastised for the pace of the initial 2 laps, we slowed it down after that but we did have to get warm after all. Great work today by the pax, Kotters to Swiss Miss, great to see you brother, it’s been a while. An honour to lead as always, wishing the pax a great Christmas season.
Jan 4th convergence and 5k
Dec 28th Ascent will be converging at the Rock
Formal T Claps to Scissorhands for this awesome marathon accomplishment
Thanks to High Tide for the thoughful prayer to send us off to coffeeteria
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