How many reps counts as one rep?

How many reps counts as one rep?

16 pax began their weekly climb from Basecamp with an overall body beatdown and some earned extra credit along the way.

The Thang

Mosey down to the far left baseball field for COP:

  • SSH – 20x
  • Merkins – 10x
  • IW – 15x
  • Peter Parkers – 10x

Number off in 2’s for circuit work

Circuit 1:

  • Baseball field – 15 Knerkins (merkins on your knuckles) and 10 Iso Squat Jumps (more on this in the Moleskin)
  • Bleachers – 20 Supine Pullups/Rows and 20 Step-ups (total)
  • Continue alternating between the two areas for 15 minutes

Plank-o-rama (to catch our breath)(and work on the laundry sitting on our washboards)

  • Both Elbows – 1:00 hold
  • Left & Right Elbows – :45 each side
  • Regular plank – 1:00 hold
  • CCV – in cadence – 10 each side

Circuit 2:

  • Baseball field – 15 Situps (full) and 10 Frog Jumps
  • Bleachers – 15 CDD and 10 Jumping Lunges (total)
  • Continue alternating between the two areas for 15 minutes

Jack Webb – up to 7 merkins/ 30 raises



Great work by all the pax today.  Everyone was really pushing themselves today, and that’s all you can ask and is what makes us stronger.

A litte more running than YHC really wanted, but you can’t have two stations much closer.  And, truth be told, we (I) probably needed it.  And, Frog Jumps are much harder than they seem they should be.

YHC introduced Iso Squat Jumps to the pax today and discovered my clarity could use some clarification.  As YHC was rotating through the baseball field station, a couple of the pax already (still) there asked for clarification on the Iso Squat Jumps – specifically, what counts as one rep – as they didn’t understand how they were “getting lapped”.  The idea was to Squat down and hold for 10 seconds and then do 10 Squat Jumps.  That’s it.  Several pax were counting that as 1 rep and attempting to do 10 “reps” (sets)!  Low Tide stopped after 4 rep/sets, and I suppose others were somewhere near that too.  After the clarification, 1 rep/set of a 10 sec hold + 10 jumps, we laughed that 10 rep/sets would be for the advanced class…  Sound off in the comments for your extra credit for the extra work!

While in the Plank-o-rama, it was rather quiet as we were holding/straining for seconds and minutes on end, so YHC asked for any stories or jokes to keep our mind off our pain.  YHC got the pain instead, as he was reminded of his last Q at Basecamp, and how, in an effort to make it interesting, and looking forward to the beginning of football season, ran the pax through an Alabama National Championship themed workout.  The weekend’s Alabama-Auburn game hardly seemed just punishment, however, as the pax seemed mildly entertained at the time…or at least they weren’t concerned about their reps.

Thanks as always for the opportunity to lead.  It’s an honor.

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High Tide author

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