12 of Ballantyne’s brave stepped out into the balmy gloom for something a little different at Stonehenge. Today’s Stonehenge was promised to be limited running which made it perfect for trying out the ruck or for FNG’s to post for the first time. We didn’t have any FNG’s but 4 rucks out there for their maiden voyage.
A 5:30 pre-workout run was planned, but an audible was called when Snowflake and Fireman Ed showed up and peer pressured YHC into some kettlebell work instead. Knowing what was in store for the main event, YHC knew better but couldn’t say no to some KB action.
The Thang:
Warmup in Wells Fargo lot (confusing a hapless ATM customer with our presence)
– All with no rucks
– SSH x 30
– Forward Lunge x 10
– Imperial Walkers x 20
– Manmaker Merkins x 20
ATM Madness – with Rucks
– Line up in front of the bank drive thru
– All exercises in cadence and together – team
– Squats x 30
– Lunge Walk x 25 yards
– Merkins x 30
– Bear Crawl x 25 yards
– Squats x 25
– Lunge Walk x 25 yards
– Merkins x 30
– Bear Crawl x 25 yards
Mosey to Lock Ness wall #1
– Dips with ruck reversed x 30
– Squat Thrusts (Presidential Fitness Style) x 10
– Dips with ruck reversed x 30
– Squat Thrusts (Presidential Fitness Style) x 10
Mosey to next wall on Lock Ness
– Incline merkins x 30
– Step-ups (together) x 20
– Incline merkins x 30 (KB work began to catch up with us at this point)
– Step-ups (together) x 20
Mosey around field down to the bridge – Surprise! There was a pile of concrete rocks conveniently placed there just for our needs.
– PAX divide into 4 groups of 3, grab a rock, and bring it to the field
– Person 1: Flutter w/ Ruck Press
– Person 2: Rock Carry 50 yards
– Person 3: LBC w/ Ruck above head
– Repeato ~ 4x through
– Editorial note: About this time, Mic Check was voicing his desire to punch YHC in the gut for talking him into carrying a ruck to this party. This was also about the time that Fireman Ed noticed that YHC had conveniently “lost” his ruck at one end and was letting his team enjoy it for the flutter/press combo. Mumblechatter ensued.
Deposit rocks in a pile and form a Tunnel of Love
– Everyone cycle through tunnel twice
It was time to move, 4 lucky PAX grabbed the rocks and we were off
– We rucked / carried the rocks around Loch Ness and out onto the street.
– Stopped for 20x Dolly and 20x Rosalita
– Recover, load up, and continue to the back of the medical building for some people’s chair
– Wait, there’s a mobile MRI trailer in our spot, proceed to the front of the building
– Oops, there is too much shrubbery for people’s chair
– Fireman Ed then noticed the perfect brick wall across the street – perfect!
People’s Chair commenced:
– 1 minute with ruck on chest
– Silent 10 count and mumble chatter to catch our breath
– 1 minute with ruck / rock above head with presses in second half
– Some more mumble chatter to recover
– 1 minute with ruck / rock held out in front
Head back to start for COT (Jailbreak called by Udder but not fulfilled by anyone else – heavy load)
It was a great day in the gloom. The promise of limited running was fulfilled and when we moved from place to place, the pace was a true mosey. Even still, YHC was officially smoked at the end and hopefully the PAX shared this outcome.
The rucks we came up with for this challenge were definitely not the GR1, however, they were effective and raised the bar on the pain level. Most creative ruck content goes to Mic Check with a high school backpack filled with dumb bells. It seemed like it worked fine though. YHC is glad the promise of a gut punch was not fulfilled after COT.
Doing all the exercises in unison and focusing on teamwork was nice. It was good to see people passing the rocks and helping each other out during the movement to different locations. The GORUCK challenge is still a long way off, but YHC hopes to join the other SOB and experience it together in March. Based on how this workout went, I think we have a good start.
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