5 pax took on the Beast and other assorted trials as a warm-up to their weekend.
The Thang:
Jog around concession stand and baseball field and back to front field
The Beast:
Baseball field:
Concession Stand:
Switch over to Low Tide as Q
Time’s Up
The small number of pax didn’t lend itself to lots of mubblechatter, or maybe it was the Beast that suppressed it. YHC has got to remember to build in more opportunities to catch our breath, but we made due with several 10 counts.
Merkins on our knuckles were introduced, and we decided they needed an appropriate name – Knerkins seemed to fit.
Also introduced were knees-to-elbows, where we learned Bubbles does them all the time when visiting the Fern and shared his tips with the pax (control your swing).
No new announcements.
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