Getting Ready for Thunder Road

Getting Ready for Thunder Road

13 men came into the gloom for Stonehenge. In light of #Thunder Road coming next weekend, we did more running than usual so that all pax could be ready for the event (even if not running it).

The Thang

Jog to four corners intersection

– Imperial Walker x 25

Half mile jog to Premier Deck
– Lunge Walk 25 yards along the way

Parter up – size doesn’t matter
Running/exercise intervals
Round 1:
P1 – .25 mile lap around parking deck
P2 – 10 merkins, 10 LBCs, 10 jump squats
Round 2:
P1 – .25 mile lap around parking deck
P2 – Burpees
Round 3:
P1 – .25 mile lap around parking deck
P2 – 20 flutter kicks, 20 LBCs, 20 Burpees
Round 4:
P1 – .25 mile lap around parking deck
P2 – 100 SSH

Mosey to base of parking deck

Indian Run up to top of parking deck – 5 levels
People’s Chair x 1:00, 25 overhead presses
10 Burpees on your own
1 lap around top of deck
Rinse Repeat with Chair x 1:30 and 20 Burpees OYO
1 lap around top of deck
People’s Chair x 1:00

Run at own pace down to bottom level

Mosey to frozen soccer field for Mary
– 10 Burpees
– LBC x 30
– Dolly x 25, Hold ’em 10 seconds
– Rosalita x 20, Hold ’em 10 seconds
– LBC x 20
– 10 Burpees

Jog back to launch with squat pivot x 25 yards on the way



– Welcome to FNG Incline. Poor guy caught the up ramp on every level during Indian Run.
– Very strong work by everyone today. A lot more running than normal and the pax attacked it.
– Another great early KB workout led by Honey Bee. #soreshoulders

– Joe Davis 5K in Fort Mill on January 4. Check weekly email for details.
– F3 South Charlotte Christmas Party on 12/7 at Tiger Rag’s house. See weekly email for details.

About the author

Dolphin author

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