Slow to Anger

Slow to Anger

The Thang:

Q: Flacco

Mosey right on walking the path

At first drill bit marker – switch to high knees

At second drill bit marker – switch to butt kicks

At third drill bit marker – hang a left to circle up.


Slow squats (20x), Imperial Walkers (20x), Flap Jack Merkins (15x), Mountain Climbers (20x), Peter Parkers (20x)

Q: Deacon

Mosey to the soccer-field for pyramid runs.

– Round 1 (Run Right): LBCs, Diamond Merkins, Burpees (increments of 5 repetitions to 20 and then back down until finished)

– Round 2 (Run Left): Rosalettas, Wide Arm Merkins, Donkey Kicks (increments of 5 repetitions to 20 and then back down until finished)
Line up along the trees near the sidewalk for pain stations.

Round 1:
– First station = Power skip
– Second station = lunge walk
– Third station = Power skip
– Fourth station = Lunge walk

Round 2:
– First station = Psycho bear crawl
– Second station= Cave man walk
– Third station= Psycho bear crawl
– Fourth station = Cave man walk

Mosey past the playground:


Star Jacks (15x),Mack tar jies (15x), Carolina Dry Docks (15x), Oblique Ups (15x), Jumping Squats(15x), V Ups (15x)



The bible teaches us to be slow anger. See the verse below for reference.

Proverbs 16:32 ” Whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.”

Until the next time, challenge yourself to be patient and to be the calming voice for others.

See you in the gloom!

About the author

Deacon-wu author

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