YHC managed to be 2 minutes late (running theme these days), as the “Go” Juice took on an additional meaning in the wee hours of the morning! (TMI?) That said, it still gave me the stated benefit of getting the ole’ bod charged up for a smokin’ at Basecamp (the only known workout that may soon petition for a name change… for clarity, moderate does not mean “easy”).
On arrival, YHC finds that the scheduled Q had to sub-out (due to an “F3 trophy”/injury; prayers lifted for healing) AND Long Distance had to sub-in for his sophomore Q at the ‘Camp’. And a smokin’ LD audibled to bring to 13 strong PAX on a Monday AM.
The Thang:
Warm up:
20X SSH -> IW-> 10X Merkins -> 10X Mountain Climbers
To the track: ndian run around the track
To the starting line: 10 squats, run to the end of the bleachers, 10 more squats run backwards back
Next: 10 lunges, karaoke to the end of the bleachers 10 lunges karaoke back Plank up
Circle up for The Circle of Burpee BYOM (Bring your own Mary/other)
12X Flutter with 1X burpee
12X Mason Twist with 2X burpees
12X Hells to Heaven with 3X burpees
12 X Dolly with 4X burpees
12X LBC with 5X burpees
12X rosalita with 1X burpees
12XFreddy Mercury with 2X burpees
12X Merkins with 3X burpees
12X Back scratchers with 4X burpees
12XBudda situps with 5X burpees
12X Flutter again with 1X burpee
12X Nibbler merkins (do a push up then touch your L “nibbler” then pushup followed by the R “nibbler” touch)
Back to the track: Indian Run number 2 around the track
To the field: Circle up again for Mr. Jack Webb
1 merkin 4 air presses
up to
10 merkins and 40 air presses
(Yes, we said “ladder to 10”; Nice for moderate, eh)
Back to the track
Lung walk 75 meters then bear crawl 75 meters
Jailbreak to the circle up!
Work out completed
How do you like that for “Base Camp”… go Long Distance!!!
Announcements: Mudrun, Christmas party, Football view party, race in Rock Hill in Jan for rock thrills brother.
Prayers lifted… a most appropriate send off for a heckuva workout.
SPECIAL THANKS to Long Distance on received catch of Q-ing on audible AND to Fireman Ed for tagging with YHC on the backblast!
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