Frozen Chicken

Frozen Chicken

Eight well-sleeved MEN showed-up at Outland to experience an early season frozen landscape, accomplished their goal, and left.


Cottonmouth 1st half

Mosey to Football Field
SSH x 31
ARM CIRCLES x 10 each way
IWs x 31

Scale 6′ fence

Stadium wheelbarrow up 30 steps
Jog across & Down
Flapjack on subsequent ascents
Reverse at end
Plank until all finish

Scale 6′ fence

Indian Run to practice football field
P1 Jump Sqt HOLD-P2 bear crl red cones
P1 Sup rack pull-ups-P2 crab to yellow cones
P1 partner carry to green cones

Slow Good Mornings until pax completes

OV/UND Logs then OVER 5′ wall
OV/UND Logs then OVER 6′ wall
Plank until all finish

Jack Webb 6 & 24 in cadence

Schnitzel’s Maiden Q (2nd Half)
Using the four corners of the Practice Field

Mosey to middle of field:

Round 1:
-Forearm Plank Jacks
-Sprint to 1st corner of field: 10 Merkins
-Sprint to 2nd corner: 20 Scissor Squats (squats with crossing of legs coming up while simulating holding a bar).
-Sprint to 3rd corner: 30 Fighter Stance Punches (1,2 punch = 1),
-Sprint to last corner: 40 Military Presses:
-Group back to center.

Group – Gradual. This is a 100 yard Sprint, starting off in a slow jog, and building to a sprint.

Round 2: Sprint to 1st corner of field
-10 Makhtar N’Diaye’Diaye_(basketball)
-Sprint to 2nd corner: 20 Military Press Jump Squats
-Sprint to 3rd corner: 30 Front Face Kicks
-Sprint to last corner: 40 Excuse Me Pleases (this was the one leg jumps from side to side).
-Group Sprint back to middle, Plank wait.
Round 3:
-15 Partner Diamond Derkens.
-Sprint to 1st corner: 10-10 yard Sprints (10 yards and back is 1).
-Sprint to 2nd corner: 20 Quick Squats.
-Sprint to 3rd corner: 30 yard Partner Wheelbarrow.
-Sprint to last corner: 40 Dead lifts – FORM!!
-Group sprint back to middle. Plank, wait.

Group: Partner Squats x 10 (Sitting back to back, lock arms, stand up together)

-Heels to Heaven
-Side LBC’s
-Freddie Mercuries

-Jail Break up the hill to THE Shovel Flag.



YHC noticed Chicken Dance showing up and braving the semi-frozen Tundra of the Outland – gloveless! CD fought through the pain and endured, among other things, a thirty-bleacher cement step wheelbarrow climb…x3, two chain-link fence challenges, followed by a brutal round of supine pullups on frozen pipes without even clenching his fists (note there were a few growls and groans heard by the pax who also did EXCEPTIONALLY well in this gloom).  Fish Taco continues to show off amazing speed as he “zipped” (yes, we missed you Zip!) up the hill and to the flag at the conclusion of the Outland’s now official “jail break”. If there’s ever an F3 sprint-off, Schnitzel’s money’s on Fish Taco! YHC would like to extend T-Claps to Schnitzel for his first Q!! YHC would also like to thank Zip and Countertop for trusting him to lead. Both Q’s would like to thank the pax for their perseverance thru a freezing beatdown.




USMC Mud Run sign-ups, DIRECTLY THRU F3, are November 1st. 6.2 miles with 36 obstacles. Sign-up individually or as a team of four.

Hump Day Happy Hour (HDHH) Wed nights at The Lodge. Contact Bugeater @Jasonhilliard for more information.

December 7th F3 Christmas Party at The Lindner’s.  Contact @BaracusF3 with questions.


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Counter Top
Counter Top
10 years ago

Great Job as QIC @ Outland Cottonmoutn and Schnitzel. It was a first rate #F3beatdown starting with Cottonmouth’s wheelbarrows up and down the stadium stairs to Schnitzel’s Field work. No casualties, aside from Chicken Dance losing a few fingers to frostbite, was an added bonus. T- Claps to you both.

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