Hydra equal opportunity workouts, long sleeves welcome

Hydra equal opportunity workouts, long sleeves welcome

21 pax stepped outside to temperatures in the mid-30’s and a welcome blast of fresh cool air. “It’s on” they all said excitedly. These brave pax then proceeded to converge on Olde Providence Elementary for a workout that did not discriminate on the basis of wardrobe or attire, like some other unnamed workouts on Tuesday morning not named Fast Twitch. Here, all men were welcome, all men recognized as being created equal, and all men were equally treated to a very large helping of pain handout. Long sleeves, short sleeves, toboggans, fingerless gloves, blue jeans, wet suits, breakdancing pants, tutus, short shorts, long pants, mittens, ear warmers…

The Thang:


1 Lap then 5 Burpees x 2

Partner A bear crawls, partner B merkins x 15 and catch partner A, switch (1 lap around)

Mosey to Fields for COP:

Merkin x 10

SSH x 15

Wide Merkin x 10

IW x 20

Diamond Merkin x 10

Squats x 15

Merkin x 10

Partner Up, Line Up for some field sprints:

Partner A Jump Squats, Partner B 50-yard there and backs, flapjack

Partner A Burpees, Partner B 50-yard there and backs, flapjack

Partner A Heels to Heaven, Partner B 50-yard there and backs, flapjack

Mosey to Concession for some 30-20-10’s:

Dips x 30

Jump Ups X 20 (or 10 step ups each leg)

Burpees x 10

Rinse and Repeat

Form a line, Indian Run to Rea, Windyrush, Foxworth (1/2 mile)

Partner Back Up:

Foxworth Hill sprints Partner A plus 5 burpees there and back, Partner B Jump Squats, flapjack

Run back home through Olde Providence Outdoor Classroom

COT – Circle Up for 3 Minutes of Mary:

Mason Twist x 20

Freddy Mercury x 15

Dolly x 15

Flutter Kick x 15

that’s a wrap folks!

Count off and Name-o-rama


We came, we saw, we did our thing. Great work by the pax un-phased by the cold. Some were reminded that it is the end of October and hats, long sleeves, and gloves may be needed on these gloomy mornings.

Anyone who saw M OLB post on the main site  I am sure you were moved. Anyone not checked that out yet, you should do so. It is a reminder of why we are F3, and how being a part of F3 is bigger than any one man. Many of us in Area 51 did not know OLB, Terry Pridgen, but we know if he was posting to workouts with F3, that he was a brother. Hops had some great comments and words you should check out too. 3rd F is strong today people!

The Hydra pax is no joke these days. Strong work and way to push it. Filmont mentioned we need some fresh pax to post so he can have someone to push. Sounds good to me. We have 500 homes in OP right behind us. And Filmont, you have been battling every week and doing awesome work man! Greyhound is getting stronger and mentioned it. He said the rest of the pax is getting stronger too. Agreed, sounds like Q’s are doing their jobs.

Last, keep coming back, keep pushing it, keep getting better. It happens one workout at a time gentlemen.


Nov 10, 4 PM Panther v. 49ers at Fox & Hound Ballantyne. See weekly F3 email for evite link and details.

New workout named Olympus. New kettlebell/strength workout starting this Saturday at Elizabeth Lane Elementary.

Put your name in for Spring Mudrun Team. Stagecoach is Mudrun Q and looking for free agents or teams. Sign ups will be around Nov 1. You should sign up if you have been working out more than once per week. One of the best events we do and great 2nd F on bus ride to and from.

Holiday party at Tiger Rag’s casa. See the weekly F3 email and evite.

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