6 PAX saluted the VSF and set off into the gloom with hopes that the preblast tweet of “no running” wasn’t a joke.
The Thang
Circuit 1 (playground):
Walking lunges to concession stand
Circuit 2:
Mosey back to playground
Circuit 3:
Walking lunges to field
(discussion of CrossFit games and overhead lunges for inspiration – and to catch our breath)
Circuit 4:
Transition to Low Tide, skipping Circuit 5 due to time constraint (wrong!)
Mosey to the wall for some People’s Chair
Mosey back to field, after YHC realizes we have a little more time left
Circuit 5:
Pele reminded us of the 5k run in memory of Rock Thrill’s brother, Jan 4
Area 51 Christmas Party at Tiger Rag’s home – look for email with details and to RSVP
YHC and the PAX seemed to embrace trading for running for extra circuits today, with everyone feeling a little worn down lately. Based on the labored breathing, second thoughts may have been given to the trade from time to time, but overall, it seemed a fair trade, at least for today.
With some heavy breathing as background music, YHC reintroduced the pax to a “real” mosey – a walk with some lunges thrown in – none of this running or jogging stuff! The “metro mosey” may return, but for today, it wasn’t missed.
The AMRAP+2 pullups were acknowledged as something we all don’t get enough of and could stand to do more often. Strong work today. Look for pullups to be a fairly regular Ascent feature – we have the facilities to do them, so might as well use ’em.
Traversing the monkey bars was something that YHC realized at the YL Mud Run that he hadn’t done since 8th grade. We worked that in today, agreeing that it was much harder than when we were kids, or at least, that’s the way we remember it (so it must be true).
Passport vs Low Tide – apparently not challenged sufficiently, Passport challenged Low Tide to a foot race between circuits 2 & 3. Low Tide looked to have edged out the win, based in part on his svelte frame, which allowed him to more easily slip between the fence, light pole, and obstacles on the playground. In full disclosure, Passport was sporting a light ruck today, as he begins his prep for the Feb GoRuck.
Passport vs Low Tide – The Rematch – hearing the mumble chatter, YHC lined the men up on the pavement for a rematch and offered to hold Passport’s ruck at the finish line. Before YHC reaches the finish line, footsteps were heard just in time for YHC to turn around and see the men blow by. Passport had the edge on this rematch. LT claims Passport got a headstart, but YHC didn’t see it so it must not have happened. All square: 1-1. Watch here for future updates on this brewing rivalry (speaking of brewing, Strange Brew has also been known to challenge triple-hate Low Tide, who seems to love it…).
Strong work by the entire pax today. Pushing ourselves like this will make us stronger! Thanks for your continued encouragement and indulgence. It’s always an honor to lead the group.
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