It Got Emotional

It Got Emotional

12 brave men agreed to sign their lives away this morning and accept all of the physical and emotional pain that Joust requires.

Warm up: Not one

The Thang:

The workout was to complete AMRAP of each exercise in the amount of time decided by YHC.


1-Burpees in the parking lot (approx. 2 minutes)

2-Run to stadium. Complete 3 trips running up and down stairs then complete 25 dips..rinse and repeat… rinse and repeat…non stop.

3-Complete wall plank merkins alternating regular merkin then diamond merkin (new exercise… needs some work)

4- Jog to end zone. Running end zone to end zone, when whistle is blown drop and complete rock hoppers until whistle is blown again then begin running until whistle is blown then rock hoppers… rinse and repeat non stop for 700 yards.

5-Grandmother Mountain work. Complete 20 LBC’s at top of mountain and 40 mountain climbers at the bottom.  rinse and repeat non stop.

6-Mary workout- From plank position complete Slow Spiderman (aka… Peter Parkers… Thanks Callaway for the clarification….I finally get it!) right knee to right elbow and hold..then left.  Slow Freddie Mercurys  then 30 FM’s at normal cadence.

7- Repeat exercises 1 through 5 in reverse order (in shorter time limits)… #5-40 CDD’s at bottom; ending where we started with burpees in the parking lot.


-If you have ever posted at Joust you are aware that Charlotte Christian School requires pax to sign a waiver each workout.  Someone finally read some of the waiver aloud this am and the pax got a chuckle that the waiver actaully states that CCS is not liable for physical and emotional distress associated with F3 workouts.

-YHC had not planned to use the whistle this morning, but after receiving and email from Joker yesterday mocking my whistle… I had to bring it out. #addedemotionaldistress.   YHC now has a new found respect for basketball refs who run up and down the court with a whistle in their mouths.  Completing rock hoppers in between running with a whistle in your mouth = added O2 deprivation.

-Not much chatter our there this am; with the exception of Crotch Rocket… I believe (it was dark).  Note to self… crank up the O2 deprivation next time he post!

-Strong effort by all this morning.  Thanks Stone Cold for letting me lead.


-New Saturday gear workout starting Oct 26th at Elizabeth Lane Elementary.  Bring your kettle bell or some sort of weight.

-Area 51 Christmas Party will be Saturday Dec 7th at Tiger Rag’s house.  Evite was sent out yesterday to all Area 51 pax… see Baracus if you did not get the evite.  TR is looking forward to seeing all 435 pax + spouses celebrate Christmas at his place!  Thanks TR and M TR for hosting.


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10 years ago

Additional TClaps to Slim Fast, who was spotted running on 51, presumably after the workout.

Slim Fast
10 years ago

TR, I thought that was you… but the sidewalk is not a lane!! Just kidding. I needed to get a few extra miles in, and I took yesterday off… so needed to double-down today. Although my legs were feeling mushy for the run!

See you guys through the weekend. lm

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