As Billy Idol’s rock classic “Rebel Yell” blared from the Crabcake’s hatchback, Spackler firmly planted the site’s shovel flag into the earth at Polo Ridge Elementary School. 13 men assembled and stretched, in anticipation of the workout that was to come. Then, at 0530, we launched into the foggy gloom to pay our last respects to the Thursday we were about to crush.
The Thang
A baby jog from the parking lot to the soccer pitch where, with the sounds of our running on the rain soaked ground filling the air, we gathered for COP:
- SSHs – 20 cadence
- Diamonds, Narrow, Regular – 5 cadence each
- IWs – 20 cadence
- Regular, Stagger R, Stagger L – 5 cadence each
- Squats – 20 cadence (hold at the bottom on the last one for a 10 count)
- CDDs, Wide-Arm, Regular – 5 cadence each
- Flutters – 30 cadence
- Regular, Narrow, Diamonds – 5 cadence each
Line it up at one soccer goal for sprints. Sprint to other soccer goal and perform called exercise. Sprint back and plank it up. Called exercises:
- 10 burpees
- 20 jump squats
- 30 LBCs
- Rinse and repeat
Then just sprint down and mosey back…x2.
Run from the soccer pitch to the bus parking lot. Each pax find a bus parking space line.
- Bear crawl to end, backwards bear crawl back…x2
- Rinse and repeat
Run from the bus parking lot to the far side of the school…find yourself a bench on the picnic tables.
- 10 step-ups each leg
- 15 dips
- 15 decline merkins
- Hold the decline merkin plank at the end
- Rinse and repeat…x2
Mosey back to the front of the school and circle up for some Mary:
- Dollies – 30 cadence, hold it, spread ’em, together
- Protractor – 45 degrees, spread ’em, together; 90 degrees, spread ’em, together
- Exploding merkins – 15, on YHC’s count
- Rosalitas – 30 cadence
- Freddy Mercury – 20 cadence
- Groiners – 15, on YHC’s count
- Elbow plank – 1 minute…then 10 count…then 10 count…then 10 count (this one lasted about 20 seconds actually)…then one last 10 count
- As the Rebel Yell label says above, this morning brought forth an Original Time Honored Recipe for pain: push-o-rama supersets, burpees and jump squats in between sprints, backwards bear crawls, exploding merkins, groiners and holding a plank well after you thought you were done.
- A great group of men this morning who pushed it hard throughout…so there wasn’t much mumble chatter…except a twerking callout during the squat hold at the bottom and some complaints about the water soaking through our shorts and shirts as we went to our six for the flutters in COP.
- The bear crawls, especially the backwards ones, on the school bus parking lot lines seemed to be a crowd pleaser…so much so that we did it again. It is amazing how all coordination is lost on the last backwards bear crawl of each set.
- YHC loved adding the multiple 10 counts at the end of the 1 minute elbow plank…there’s something about going past when you think you are done that brings on an added element of burn. Deadwood’s 10 count lasted at least 20 seconds.
- New workouts – Friday bootcamp #F3Joust; Sunday run #F3Nomad
- 3rdF on Friday after #F3Centurion at the Carmel/51 Panera – #F3TheStand
- #F3DayZero Challenge – Saturday 0700 at McAlpine Elementary
- Young Life Mud Run this Saturday
- ThunderRoad Half and Full sign-ups
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