If you see a pax in gigolo strut, full of swagger and swank, then you’ve either happened upon Runstopper in his tweed hipster hat, or one of the 10 men who can barely walk after a leggy workout in the pungent gloom.
- Little Baby Jog to back lot
- SSH x 30
- I-Walkers x 25
- Mountain Climbers x 20
- Groin stretch x 2
On the Blue Line, Round 1:
- Low, Slow Squats x 20
- Standing Lunge x 20
- Calf Raises x 20
- Sprint to last bball goal and back
Blue Line, Round 2
- Sumo Squats x 20
- Side Lunges x 20
- Toe Raises x 20
- Sprint to last goal and back
Blue Line, Round 3
- Squat jumps x 20
- Mary Katherines x 10
- Ski jumps out and back white lines
- Sprint to last goal and back
Blue Line, Round 4
- Goblet squats (with weights) x 10
- Weighted side lunges x 10 (brutal)
- Good mornings x 20
- Stop motion lunge walk (to first goal)
- “Sprint” to last goal and back
Blue Line, Round 5
- Goblet Squat with Little Baby Jumps x10
- Good mornings with calf raises x 20
- One-legged ski jumps (out and back, flapjack)
- Backwards stop motion lunge walk to first goal
- Backwards run to last goal and back
Blue Line, Round 6
- Merkins x 2 (by request)
- Four corner bounds x 5 CW, x 5 CCW
- One legged ski-jumps (flapjack back)
- Curb hoppers x 50
- Sprint to last goal and back
- Dirty dogs x 12L / x 12R
- Leg Day separates the sheep from the goats. You’ll be surprised how long 45 minutes of leg work will hurt–the last version of this workout left me stiff for five days [soft ball, have at it].
- Smell is a strong memory trigger. For Haze, the wafting aroma of PortaJons brought back fond memories of the BRR. For Joker, it was a suggestive reminder to soil his britches. #walkingfarts #standingfarts #sittingfarts
- It was a pleasure to lead a small group again where there are lots of options that aren’t available in larger groups. We left some exercises on the table (and in the trunk) today. Look for the sequel at a workout near you.
- New workout, Joust, at Charlotte Christian starts tomorrow at 5:30. When facing the school, park on the right, close to the road (look for shovel flag). Joust is a play on their mascot, the Knights, but all I can think of is that ostrich game from the 80’s. On the same wall as Zaxxon, Q-bert and Tron, back when games cost a quarter.
- Get some 3rd F tomorrow with Haze and ‘Pagne at The Stand (if you are able) at Panera Carmel Village, right after Centurion. No matter if you don’t have the book or haven’t read it, they just need some people with hair to show up so they aren’t mistaken for Hare Krishnas.
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