Eleven Pax converged (over two heats) on the ABC parking lot for the hard launch of Area 51’s new Sunday morning run workout: F3/Nomad.
The route this week: The (LIttle Baby) Rum Runner: http://runmeter.com/456f4f844e93ed9f/Run-20130915-0615?r=e.
- Nomad is a work in progress, but here’s the concept: rotate Sunday morning runs around 4 different sites in the A51 AO. This week launched from the ABC at the Arboretum, hence the Rum Runner tag. Future sites are to be determined but a trail run at Beatty is out there, as is a run in Ballantyne. The idea is to have a different set start point each week–1st Sunday = X. 2nd Sunday =Y, etc. The Q for the workout will determine the course. Today’s Rum Runner course may not be the same as next time’s Rum Runner–or it might be. Depends on what the Q wants to do. (If there is one.)
- Until we get the rotations figured out, check the A51 webpage and twitter for preblast info for the meeting place.
- What’s the pace and mileage? It depends on you. It’s impossible to keep a diverse group together but it can be done. Yesterday the leaders doubled back on a couple of occasions to pick up the guys bringing up the rear. That may not always be the case, but it’s not unusual. Mileage yesterday was a little low, at 5.8 miles. We’ll probably shoot for closer to 7 most weeks. The Rum Runner course gives plenty of options to cut it shorter or stretch it longer depending on the individual’s needs. The Thunder Road guys might want an LSD. Others may be content with less.
- Heats. Most guys went off at 0615 yesterday. 49er and Bug went off at 0700 and Scissor Hands and Slim Fast doubled down with them. It remains to be seen if there will be a permanent 0700 heat, so be sure to check the pre-blast or twitter to make sure. Since 49er likes his beauty sleep, tweet or DM him about the 0700 time. I will be with the early birds.
- Regardless of which heat you choose, it’s probably a good idea to hide your keys OUT OF PLAIN SIGHT. Bug was the victim of teenage pranksters yesterday. Don’t let this be you.

Bug, Bath and Beyond
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