(…posted on behalf of High Tide on behalf of Slim Fast…)
15 Pax showed up on a beautiful September Carolina morning, to be greeted by an hour of oxygen depletion and muscle burn. YHC was first-time Q, so the pax were in for an unknown beatdown… but made it through excellently!
The Thang
1 lap warm up (high knees, high heels, backwards, karaoke)
Mosey to the football field
SSH x 20
IW x 20
Merkins x 20 (YHC forgot to stop at 10, so we got a bonus 10!)
Squats x 20
Mtn Climber x 15
Mosey back to track for a BRR tribute – The APR – Ascent Pain Relay
Pax divided into 4 groups… Groups 2-4 start at each station, and Group 1 starts by running from Station 1 to Station 2.
When you get to each station, do the following exercise until the group behind you arrives at your station/”hand off”.
Station 1 – Merkins
Station 2 – LBC
Station 3 – Jump Squats
4 laps/4 sets at each station (1/2 mile) – Pax were adequately gassed after the relay!
Mosey back to football field
Groups 1 & 2 sprint one direction, Groups 3 & 4 sprint opposite direction from center of field to cone — 30 yards, 5 burpees, sprint back to center
Repeat with backwards sprint and 4 burpees
Repeat with side shuffle, and 3 burpees
Repeat with opposite side shuffle, and 2 burpees
Finish with lunge walk and 1 burpee
Plank work
Mosey to school building for people’s chair 3 x 45 seconds
Complete lap around school and back to the playground for fun and games
10 Pull Ups, 10 Step Ups, 20 LBC, plank
10 Pull Ups, 20 Step Ups, 30 LBC, plank
Back to field for some final Wind Cries for Mary
Dolly x 15
Flutter x 15
Freddie Mercury x 15
Rosalita x 15
LBC x 15
YHC was honored to do his first Q with this group of men. We call it 1st F for Fitness, but there is a lot of 2nd F Fellowship built in, so I call it F 1.5!
There was a lot of heavy breathing and sweat-soaked shirts, so that means everyone was getting their money and time’s worth!
Great to have 2 FNG’s… Jake (Peaches) and Armin (Bourbon). Great work out there, and can’t wait to see you guys back at your next workout!
Strangebrew was missed… hope he is enjoying some cool mountain air this morning!
Passport, thanks for the prayer out!
Base Camp on Mondays at South Charlotte Middle School. Another moderate intensity workout, which is ideal for pax that are starting out, FNG’s, recovering from injury, etc. High Tide is Q this Monday 9/9.
Tutoring opportunities with Billingsville Academy and AG Middle School. More information is on the F3 website.
Mud Run for Young Life is coming up on 9/28 at US Whitewater Center. www.ylmudrun.com
CPR class next Saturday @ 9/14 9:00-12:30 — Covenant Day School Bldg C. $10
Check the website for 3rd F opportunities.
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