Cryptic Message Fail

Cryptic Message Fail

12 pax incl 1 #BRR participant shook the fartsack in favor of a #F3RebelYell beatdown led by Crabcake.

The Thang

Mosey to center of soccer field #1 for COP

10 burpees OYO

25 SSH – cadence

20 Merkin – cadence

25 IW – cadence

Mosey to endline

Bearcrawl 30 yd / 5 Burpees / Bearcrawl 30 yd / 20 Merkins / sprint back

Crabwalk 30 yd / 5 Burpees / Crabwalk 30 yd / 20 Merkins / sprint back

Lunge Walk 30 yd / 5 Burpees / Lunge 30 yd / 20 Merkins / sprint back

Sprint 30 yd / 5 Burpees / Sprint 30 yd / 20 Merkins – Plank

Mosey to playground for pain stations

20 pull ups

20 dips

20 merkins

Rinse Repeat

Mosey to Wall

Wall Sit 90 sec x 2

Balls to Wall with slow 10 count by TR

Mosey to basketball courts for Mary

Flutter – 20 cadence …..hold it

Protractor……..hold it

Dolly – 20 cadence

20 merkins OYO

Spackler gets a little frisky and takes off for fields and the pax follows:

karaoke 50 yds/backwards run 25 yrs/shuffle 50 yd/regular 25 yd – 20 mak tar jai

repeat – 20 dips

plank/right arm/right leg/left arm/left leg/6 inches – 30 CDD’s OYO


Moleskin – Quick hits

  • Some confusion on Twitter led to TR not understanding he was supposed to bring weights to Crabcake for Hair Burners – #ThanktheLord.
  • Did anyone actually do all 60 pull ups during the pain stations? If so, T claps.
  • Gotta love Semi Gloss – sends Spackler a text last night saying he was almost out of gas in an attempt to fartsack no doubt – knew he would catch flack so Spackler gave him a lift this AM – there will be no missing #F3RebelYell for you sir.
  • Radar disappoints once again with a no show – must be the lack of energy from his diet.  If you need a ride next week, let me know.


  • Convergence this Saturday at The Rock – 1 year anniversary – Tell a friend
  • Good Luck to all you BRR’ers.  Remember to say a prayer for our brothers for a safe trip and safe running.







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Spackler author

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10 years ago

Looks like a great start. And seeing the backblast reminds me… all Qs should be aware that Tiger Rag’s most favorite exercises in the whole widest world are bear crawls, crab walks, and pull-ups. He will love you for it… I promise. In fact he might show his love by making you do 45 minutes of hair burners at the following workout.

And speaking of favorites… here are my favorites… scratch that, least favorites… burpees, jack webb, protractor, and long/steep hills.

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