On what turned out to be a great morning for a little exercise, 11 of the SCLT Pax faithful gathered together at McKee Road Elementary to put in their time before heading out for all their other weekend activities on the last Saturday before the start of the college football season. YHC and Young Love had the task of putting the group through their paces.
-Abacus on Q for 1st half
-Jog over to Soccer Fields for COP (all exercises IC)
-Head over to last field beside the parking lot for the Devil’s Work-out (aka 6x6x6 aka The Beast) – 6 stops and 6 reps of 6 called exercises while running down the field and back
-Jog over to side of school
-Hand it off to Young Love for 2nd Half
-Mosey to grassy spot behind school (watch out for fire ants)
-Mosey to picnic tables & partner up (size does not matter)
-Mosey to tires for a little circuit work
-Mosey to . . . circle back and pick-up Skinner who was faithfully completing his last reps #nomanleftbehind. . . front playground for small circuit of:
-Mosey to side lot for a little bit of cardio
-Circle up for COT
Moleskin: -Hard to ask for much nicer weather for the end of August with Temps in high 60’s, a little breeze, and low humidity
-YHC failed to call for any SSH in COP. Young Love more than made up for it when he had the Pax complete 50 IC at start of 2nd Half
-Staying true to our principle that we start together and finish together, Young Love called for the Pax to circle back to collect up Skinner who was steadfastly completing his last reps in the 1st round of circuit work before moving to the front playground
-Tight sprint on the final AYG as Frasier edged out Dirty Birty with Turkey Leg not far behind
-Strong Work by all the Pax
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