Muscle confusion

Muscle confusion

Who is Qing?  You? Me? You. I got it.  You got it?  In the end, Frehley & YHC decided to split the
painfest.  Frehley pulls out the Tower of Pain, MT goes with Make Sh*t Up.
Frehley on Q
(in cadence):
Side Straddle Hop X 25
Squats X 20
Imperial Walker X 15
Mountain Climber X 10
Peter Parker X 10
Jog to Fitness Trail:
3 sets pullups X 10
3 sets supine pullups X 15
Jog to Loch Ness Wall using Wall for most exercises (except for Squats, Star Jacks, Burpees, and Peter Parker Merkins):
Completed 12 sets of different exercises in total + Indian Run around the lake with 35lb kettle bell
Exercises were 10-15 reps:
15 Star Jacks
10 Burpees
10 Lunges each leg
15 Decline Merkins
10 Peter Parker Merkins
10 Step Ups per leg
15 Dips
10 Decline Diamond Merkins
15 Squats with Calf Raise
15 Incline Merkins
10 Daniel-san (1-leg lunch squat touching rear to Wall)
15 Jump Ups
Market Timer on Q:
Mosey to grassy field, plank up in line.
Pax #1 hops over planking pax, then joins end of line, pax #2 hops, etc
until all complete circuit 3 times.
3 minute plankfest = #crowdpleaserOver the river & through the woods, bear crawl up hill to parking lot:
10 merkins, sprint halfway, 10 merkins, sprint to end, 10 merkins.
30 mountain climbers, sprint, 30 mc’s, sprint, 30 mc’s

Job to BAC hill:
Partner 1 = nonstop flutter, partner 2 = up hill for 2 burpees.  Flapjack
Partner 1 = nonstop dolly, partner 2 = up hill for 4 burpees.  Flapjack
Partner 1 = nonstop LBCs, partner 2 = up hill for 6 burpees.  Flapjack
Partner 1 = nonstop rosalita, partner 2 = up hill for 8 burpees.  Flapjack

Indian run to 521 bridge: peoples chair with alternating leg extension, then 50 shoulder press.

Jog back to parking lot:
Bear crawl across lot, 10 squat, bear crawl back.
Crab walk across, 10 merkins, crab walk back.

Back to Loch Ness wall to retrieve KB:
All plank while pax #1 does 10 upright rows with KB, then passes it down the line.Attempted indian run with KB back to home is a total cluster, so YHC audible call for
front of line to jailbreak with shared KB duty.  Haggis steps up & bolts with KB, hand off
to Checkpoint, hand off to Market Timer.  MT leaves in middle of road…. Fireman Ed picks
up the grenade and takes it home.


Original Q confusion turns out to be best of both worlds.  We packed a lot into 60 mins and
shared duty without planning = good times.  When Frehley pulls out the KB and index cards of doom,
prepare to get smoked.


Tuesday is the Bagpipe/Fast Twitch showdown convergence.  5:15am at JM Robinson Middle School (on Ballantyne Commons near Providence Promenade) Be sure to show at correct location lest you find yourself a #sadclown at regular time/place.  Preblast by Bratwurst on website and Twitter, so read up for details.New Thursday workout getting ready for launch @Polo Ridge Elementary (Tom Short/Ardrey Kell area)

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Market Timer author

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