Pain at the lake

Pain at the lake

A record group of 25 showed up for a beat down from Chipotle.  Perhaps the large number was due to the rumors of the Bagpipe / Fast Twitch showdown next week… the pax clearly want to make sure that they are on the right side.

– Apologies to all – I messed up my phone and did not capture all PAX.  Sorry for those I missed…

(Haggis writing for Chipotle)

The Thang:

Warm Up: 25 SSH, 25 Imperial Walkers, 25 Mountain Climbers

3 Lap Lake Run with Breaks along the way:

1st Lap 25 merkins x 4

2nd Lap 25 Dips x 3 and 25 Carolina Dry Docks

3rd Lap 25 x 2 Squats, 25 x 2 step up or jump ups

Mosey to parking lot for Mary delivered by Haggis

25 flutters, 25 Dolly’s, 25 Heels to Heaven, 25 Bicycles

Finish off with a timed mile run (3.3 laps around lake)


– A vicious Q from Chipotle – his first time at Bagpipe.  Excellent work!

– Record numbers at Bagpipe this week – great stuff.

– Next week is the long awaited showdown with Fast Twitch.  We will meet the Twitchers at JM middle school on Ballantyne Commons Road, at 5:15am.  We will have various competitions in an us vs them format.  However, don’t be put off by the competitive nature of the event.  Think of it more as a normal workout with a larger group and some great opportunities for trash talk…

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Haggis author

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10 years ago

Question is… who will Fish Taco be racing for… he has “dual citizenship” across Bagpipe or Fast Twitch??

Mighty Mite
Mighty Mite
10 years ago

Fish Taco agreed to be a member of the SOB 4 X 100 relay team.

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