A record group of 25 showed up for a beat down from Chipotle. Perhaps the large number was due to the rumors of the Bagpipe / Fast Twitch showdown next week… the pax clearly want to make sure that they are on the right side.
– Apologies to all – I messed up my phone and did not capture all PAX. Sorry for those I missed…
(Haggis writing for Chipotle)
The Thang:
Warm Up: 25 SSH, 25 Imperial Walkers, 25 Mountain Climbers
3 Lap Lake Run with Breaks along the way:
1st Lap 25 merkins x 4
2nd Lap 25 Dips x 3 and 25 Carolina Dry Docks
3rd Lap 25 x 2 Squats, 25 x 2 step up or jump ups
Mosey to parking lot for Mary delivered by Haggis
25 flutters, 25 Dolly’s, 25 Heels to Heaven, 25 Bicycles
Finish off with a timed mile run (3.3 laps around lake)
– A vicious Q from Chipotle – his first time at Bagpipe. Excellent work!
– Record numbers at Bagpipe this week – great stuff.
– Next week is the long awaited showdown with Fast Twitch. We will meet the Twitchers at JM middle school on Ballantyne Commons Road, at 5:15am. We will have various competitions in an us vs them format. However, don’t be put off by the competitive nature of the event. Think of it more as a normal workout with a larger group and some great opportunities for trash talk…
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