Postman delivers rain or shine & so do we

Postman delivers rain or shine & so do we

4 hearty souls ignored the gray skies and showed up at 0700 hours for their weekly downpainment at Area 51.  Dirty Bird made his debut as Q and ran the PAX through a variety of agility drills.  The tale of the tape went as follows:

Abacus on Q:

– Jog to parking lot for COP (all exercises IC)

  • SSH x 30
  • IW x 30
  • Merkins x 15
  • Peter Parker x 30
  • Parker Peter x 30

– Head over to soccer field for Merkin/Squat suicide ladder

  • Run to 1st tree/marker, 1 merkin
  • Run back to start, 5 squats
  • Run to 2nd marker, 2 merkins
  • Run back to start, 4 squats
  • Continue to ladder up to 5 Merkins & ladder down to 1 squat

– Jog over to playground

  • Pull-ups x 10
  • Dips x 20
  • Sister Mary Catherine x 20 (10 each side)

Repeat x 2 (pull-ups, dips & jump squats, & then pull-ups, dips, incline merkins)

– Jog to front of school and grab some wall

  • People’s chair x 60 sec (w/ 15 air presses IC)
  • BTW x 45 sec
  • People’s chair x 60 sec (w/ 15 air presses IC)
  • BTW x 45 sec

– Jog to back of school for some Jack Webb

  • 1 merkin/4 air presses up to 7 merkins/28 air presses

Dirty Bird on Q for 2nd half

– Trail run

– Lunge walk up the hill

– 6 MOM (IC)

  • LBC x 20
  • Dolly x 20, hold ’em
  • Flutter x 20, hold ’em
  • Rosalita x 20, hold ’em
  • Heels to Heaven w/ leg kick x 20

– Jog to front of school for the following (80-100 yds):

  • Karaoke facing road 40-50 yards, then face school for final 40-50 yards
  • Repeat with shuffle
  • Repeat with high knees and heels to rear
  • Repeat with back pedal and sprint
  • Repeat with sprint entire 80-100 yards
  • Repeat with jog for half and then sprint final half

– Jack Webb on your feet

  • 1 squat/4 knee ups to 5 squats/20 knee ups (Legs are burning after this one)

– Partner up – Partner 1 runs the parking lot while Partner 2 completes CDD until Partner 1 returns – Flapjack (complete 100 CDD total)

– Mozy over to teachers parking lot for some agility work

  • Hop on 1 leg 1st half of parking lot & then switch to other leg for 2nd half (approx 75 yds) x2
  • Perform combination of sprint, karaoke, and shuffle x 4

– Partner up again – Partner 1 runs/Partner 2 completes Merkin Rows (complete 50 Merkin Rows total)

– Partner leg throws (left, middle, right) x 10



  • Small turnout this morning.  Must have been due to F3 Camp event at Camp Thunderbird and vacations.  Can’t imagine a little sprinkle had PAX fartsacking.
  • Nice intitial Q by Dirty Bird.  Threw in a good bit of agility work which was a nice change of pace.  Look for his return in September.
  • Mud Run coming up in October down near Columbia.  Check F3 website for details
  • F3 planning to have large contingent for Thunder Road Marathon and 1/2 Marathon.  Check website for details
  • Two new 3rd F opportunities starting up soon, Wednesdays at Starbucks at Piper Glen (after Death Valley, Anvil, and The Maul) & Fridays at Panera at Carmel & Hwy 51 (after Centurion)


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Abacus author

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