12 Pax showed up at Base Camp for their weekly dose of moderate intensity workout only to enter football training camp Base Camp Style. Base Camp is for fundamentals and we did our best Woody Hayes’ “3 yards and a cloud of dust” style work. It is all about ball control – hold onto the ball and all is well but put “the pill on the carpet” and their will be a price to pay. The Pax were tested some new football workout terminology and all passed with flying colors.
The Warmup:
Jog to baseball field for
SSH x 20
Merkins x 10
Imperial Walker x 20
CDD x 10
Slow Squats x 10
Mountain Climbers x 15
The Thang:
Mosey to bleachers:
20 dips / 20 LBC / 20 supine pullups on rail
20 Step ups / 20 Squats / 20 incline merkins on rail
Mosey to track with butt kickers and high knees along the way
Form two lines for “Redskin Run” once around track (like Indian run only passing two footballs back through each line as we run. When man in back gets ball run it to front of line and pass it back). If ball hits ground line stops for 5 merkins then continues.
Circle up on football field. Every other Pax has football.
Pax with ball: Merkins with right hand on football x 5 – Pax without ball: LBC x 5 (in cadence)
Pass ball to Pax on your right and repeat above
Pass ball again and repeat with left arm on ball
Pass ball and repeat
Form two teams with 3 pax at goal line and 3 pax at 40 yard line. Sprint (Base Camp style, we don’t want any pulled hammies or groins) 40 yards and hand off football to pax at other end. When you get back to original starting point relay is over (each pax runs two 40 yard dashes with ball).
Form 4 groups – 3 pax per group for pain stations of:
Station 1: Jack Ham to 5 merkins and 20 shoulder presses (like Jack Webb except with footballs in each hand)
Station 2: AMRAP Squats until Jack Hams are completed
Station 3: Plank-o-rama until Jack Hams are done
Station 4: AMRAP LBC until Jack Hams are done
Rotate until all have completed each station.
Mosey to parking lot for 5 MOM
Dolly x 10
Flutter x 10
“Derek” Mason Twist x 10 (handing footballs to pax on your right during mason twist)
The Moleskin
It was great to be back out and leading Base Camp once again. I appreciate the opportunity to lead such a strong group of men. Not only were we strong today but surehanded as well. YHC had planned to punish each “fumble” with 5 merkins during the field work but not one ball hit the ground. Woody would be proud! The only fumble came during the Derek Mason Twists. One ball hit the ground so everyone finished the workout with one burpee. Not bad. Not sure Dereke Mason had hands that good. Thank you all for coming out and indulging YHC football fix so early in the season.
Robin Hood at 63 is looking strong and inspiring the rest of us to keep up the hard work. And thanks to Robin Hood and Homeboy for coming out to Base Camp making YHC feel like just “one of the kids”. In my one year of coming to F3 this is the second time I can recall where I wasn’t War Daddy or second oldest at a workout.
Thanks to Smash for the closing prayer at COT.
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