Dog Days

Dog Days


9 pax jumped out this morning to enjoy a solid beatdown in the dog days of summer at Area51

The Thang:

TL on QIC:

Warmup jog around field, followed by COP:

  • 20 SSH
  • 10 burpees on your own
  • 20 IW
  • 9 burpees on your own
  • 20 Slow squats
  • 8 burpees on your own
  • 20 LBCs
  • 7 burpees on your own
  • 20 mountain climbers
  • 6 burpees on your own

jailbreak to trail in the woods

  • 3 laps on trail; exercise between laps: 20 jump-ups, 30 dips, 20 merkins
  • Bear crawl out back up to path
  • 10 burpees on your own
  • Plank-o-rama

Mosey to front of school

  • Peoples chair 1 min x 2
  • 20 incline + 20 decline merkins

Quick run over to rockpile along McKee, grab a rock for various exercises

Line up on field, full-out sprint to other side

Tag over to O’Tannenbaum on QIC:

  • Pull ups 2×10
  • Walk the wall (on hands 3x)
  • Kari Okie 3x
  • Jump squats 3 sets –15-10-5

Mosey to F3 Lighthouse park

  • Stump jumps 3 sets–12-10-8, with partner sit-ups in between 25-20-15
  • Mack Tar Jy (plank pus ups) 2×10
  • Mosey to field for “Mary”
  • Back scratcher x 15
  • LBC x 12
  • Dolly x 10
  • Flutter x 10

Back to parking lot for COT


Gotta love these dog days of summer when you can cut the humidity with a knife.  Everyone looked like they had been dunked in a pool by the end of the workout, no doubt helped by YHC’s extra pinch of running thrown in to support #BRR training.

After all this rain and lack of maintenance, our trail run through the woods feels like it is turning into a trek through a dense Brazilian jungle.  In addition to getting clothes-lined by a several tree limbs, YHC seemed to clear out about a dozen spiderwebs with his head.  Not a good idea to be the front-runner out there in the woods these days.

Inverted wall-walking was a great change of pace and a real #crowdpleaser, despite a few skinned knees and shins (for YHC at least).

Great to see Hairy Dog out there today – haven’t seen him much all summer.  Despite almost throwing up a couple times he pushed it hard – nice job out there brother and hope to see you out again soon.  Alf was out in front for most of the stations today… looking forward to his maiden Q next week at the Matrix.

Tooth Fairy came out disguised as an FNG, and somehow ended up with the new Curious handle in COT.  YHC was probably a little too easy on supporting the rename – may need to revisit this one in the future.  Good to see you out there and looking forward to seeing you at some of the weekday morning workouts.

Good times by all out there – pushing it hard.  Thanks for letting me and O’Tannenbaum lead today.


  • Keep in mind other Saturday workouts options recently started, including Outland at Sun Valley, and Ascent (moderate intensity) at Olde Providence Elementary – plenty opportunity to EH other friends who have been hesitant in the past
  • Still spots available Sign-up for F3Dads trip to Camp Thunderbird

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Turkey Leg author

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