The virtual shovel flag was planted and 22 hearty pax posted for another humid downpainment.
The thang;
Run up Walsh to end and back for warm-up (more on this “not much running” later)
SSH x 30
Imperial Walker x 25
Squat x 20
Merkins x 15
Burpees x 10
Who said “No running” cycles
Circle around field to bottom of hill at faculty lot
Bear crawl up hill
Pusharama: hold plank no “recover”
Merkins x 10
Diamonds x 10
Stagger Merkin, Right hand forward x 5, flapjack x 5
Wide-arm Merkins x 10
Circle around field to bottom of hill, bear crawl up
Squat x 20
Front Lunge, Right foot forward x 10, flapjack x 10
Burpees x 10
Star Jacks x 10
Circle around field to bottom of hill, bear crawl up, Run to school
Dips x 20
Derkins x 10
Rinse and Repeat x 3
Partner 1; out and back 3 distances, Partner 2 LBCs
Partner 1; out and back 3 distances, Partner 2 Dolly
Partner 1; out and back 3 distances, Partner 2 Squat or Merkin
LBCs x 30
Russian twist x 15
Well, on paper it didn’t seem like that much running (Nibbler and Chelms heard “Not much”) – Just as well, the extra time would have been spent on Jack Webbs, which were cut due to time. Always good to be with the Area 51 crew. It was a great effort by all!
A big welcome to FNG Ricardo, aka Green Monster. Looking forward to seeing you again. And FNG Max, aka Thunder Dome, thanks for making the trip out from SF. Word of F3 has gone coast-to-coast! Thunder Dome is encouraged to get a F3 thunder dome started in SF.
F3 Dads in two weeks – sign up on web site. Chelms guarantees a good time as Half Pipe is the Q
Tutoring at AG and Billingsville once school starts back. Check web site for pre-blast when school starts.
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