Ditch The Pitch

Ditch The Pitch

15 dedicated men gathered in the foggy gloom of Outland for a Saturday morning painfest.  Zip-A-Dee never fails to keep it fun and painful.

The Thang

–          Mosey to Middle school

–          Lunge walk through the gauntlet

–          Mosey access road behind school

–          back peddle to 100 yards

–          mosey to disc golf field


–          SSH x20

–          Imperial Walker x20

–          Mountain Climbers x20

–          Squats x20

–          LBCs x20

–          Perfect Merkins x10

Sprints across soccer field

–          Sprint

–          Karaoke Right

–          Plank

–          Sprint

–          Karaoke Left

–          Plank

–          Sprint

–          Backpeddle

–          Plank

Partner Exercises 20 yards and flapjack

–          Mosey to practice football field

–          Partner carries or lunge walk

–          Back-to-back squats x20

(Switch and repeato)

–          Wheel barrow

–          Hand clap push-ups x20

–          (Switch and repeato)

Part Deux led by Zip:

Ditch the Pitch (that’s the soccer field for you futball novices) and mosey over to the Gridiron….

–          Run the stadium stairs to the top, across the length/width of the stadium and what goes up must come down.

–          Enter the Gridiron and circle up at the 50 yard line for some Mary

–          Flutters X20 – hold ‘em

–          Dollies X20 – hold ‘em

–         6 inches for a slllloooooow 10 count provided by Hair Band (aka PowderPuff

–         Backscratchers X20

Ruh Roh, looks like the real Varsity Team is starting to show up to put some work in so YHC calls an audible and back to the Pitch we go.

Mosey to the Pitch and circle up at the 50 yard line so we can introduce the Outland PAX to Mr. Jack Webb!!!!

–          Jack Webbs to 10 w/ Merkins X 4 Air Presses for each rep.

Ditch the Pitch yet again and begin to mosey, STOP!!!!!!!!  QIC just realized we’ve gone 48 minutes without doing a single burpee the entire workout.  10 BURPEES on your own!!!!

Mosey back to the flag for some hill work and partner up.

Hill Work (grab your previous partner and do not start to dos y doh)

–          Partner 1 runs the hill while the other partner performs said exercise.

–          Combined target of 100 LBC.

–          Plank when finished.

On your bellys!!!!!

–          Jailbreak up the hill and home to the flag.

2 minute Drill:

–          5 burpees on your own

–          Rosalita X20 – hold ‘em

–          6 inches for a 10 count


Outland welcomes Wireless, Blueprint, Murdock and Leet as the PAX continues to grow with men of character in the morning’s gloom.
T-Claps to all as they proved their metal and persisted through this mornings beatdown.
Cocoon is quickly becoming a regular in the Outland.  Keep it up brother.   #dedicated.

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