Bulls on Parade

Bulls on Parade

While our GORUCK brothers were still receiving their beat down, 10 strong SOB took to the streets of Ballantyne Corporate Park in a demonstration of solidarity. The question on everyone’s mind… will I be the one to recycle merlot? 

The Thang: 

Run to renovated parking lot for lunge-o-rama

– SSH x 30

– Forward lunge x 12

– Side lunge x 12

– Back lunge x 12

Legs now loose – run to Field of Bulls at a quick pace

– stop for plank-o-rama (side, leg up, regular with alternate leg and arm, etc.)

Enter the Field of Bulls for a legs / chest attack

– Sumo squats x 30

– Merkins w/ side plank x 40 alternate each side

– Single leg rising dead lift x 15 each leg

– Wide Merkins x 40

– Jump Squats w/ pause at bottom x 20

– Diamond Merkins (tucked elbows) x 20

– Calf Raises x 10 in, x 10 mid, x 10 out

– Dive-bomber merkins x 10

– Bonus just for Market Timer: monkey humpers x 40 (lots of laughs until quad burn set in)

Run through the parking lot toward the lake with hill (name?)

– Stop for non-stop LBC until all accounted for, but wait, where’s Higgins?

– More on that in the Moleskin, but we were now 9.   

Arrive at hill with lake for crawl thru in honor of our GORUCK brothers

– Everyone plank / pike shoulder to shoulder

– 1st person crawls under all then runs around lake

– each person follows

– 1st person comes back and plank/pikes

– everyone comes and crawls through to resume position

Another shout-out to our GORUCK bros

– merkin inchworm (risky call by YHC)

– reached 4 merkins – not a bad start (#crowdpleaser)

Since we were by a perfectly good hill,

– Century Set: P1: burpees, P2: up and down hill (this was the best chance for recycled merlot)

Continue to a cumulative count of 100 burpees

– YHC was odd man out and called the exercise when 50 burpees reached

Run back to Loch Ness woods

– Stopped off at the field of bulls to try the merkin inchworm again, but could not get the train to move – Next Time…

Continued run

– Stop for Freddy Mercury x 30

– Stop for Imperial Walkers x 30

Enter the Loch Ness woods – Divide into 2 groups

– Pullups x AMRAP

– Inverted Rows x AMRAP

Rinse & Repeat

The Naked Moleskin:

– As posted on Twitter as a pre-blast, YHC was on a quest to see some recycled merlot and planned a beat down to get it.  Although a few thought about yakking during the burpee / hill century set, YHC failed.  These are some strong SOB.  Nice job brothers!

– On the way to the lake with the hill, we lost Higgins.  During warm up, he shared with me that it was his second post and he was still recovering from back surgery earlier this year.  He was EH’ed by Mic Check who was conveniently missing this AM.  When we found Higgins after some searching, he waived us on.  We are praying that it was nothing serious and you will be back out in the gloom with us soon!  Aye!

– Wingman thought it was appropriate before the merkin inch worm to show us all his upper thigh.  Nice try but that’s not motivation Wingman!

– Everyone seemed to like Soft Pretzel’s version of the Imperial Walker which does resemble a waltz of some sort.  Bratwurst also liked the calf raises and their similarity to a ballet move.  It seems dancing was a common theme today.


– F3 Dads Camp – Sign up!  There are already 150 people signed up and it is bound to be a great time.

– Foxhole on Monday – Elon Park Elem.  Honey Bee on Q with a special surprise involving Tabata and the Kings of Leon.   

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Honey Bee author

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