24 Pax ventured to initiate the week on a positive note, starting at Basecamp, with all eyes set on a target of getting better and climbing higher. For the race is not given to the swift nor the strong, but he who endureth to the end…
And off we set to endure.
The Thang
Big group this AM, so a little mosey-in off to the baseball field we went…
COP: SSH x15, Imperial “Wokka” x15, Invisible Jump Rope x30 (though invisible, it’ll still trip ya), (a little) Merkin (action) x10, Carolina Dry Docks x14 (one short, only b/c YHC can’t count and call; too much like Sesame Street), Squats x 25 (YHC, can’t count… )
Mosey over to the bleachers for a little “Curves” station simulation:
20x incline merkins + 20x dips on the bleachers + 20 LBC (StrangeBrew shooting for a 2-pack; figured we’d help the cause… more core to come). Rinse and repeat times 3 (yes, I said three…)
Mosey over to the track, completing some lunge walks on the approach
The next call was for Partnering Up (or as YHC refers to the process “TwinUp”)
Dash1 -> Partner 1 on the line, Partner 2 on the ground… P1 sprint to the bleachers, P2 starts the LBCs…flapjack as many times as possible until dup reaches the (easily surmountable) count of 60.
Dash 2 -> same format – Backwards run in tag tandem till CDD x 40
Dash 3 -> ditto – Karaoke run in tag tandem till Jumping Lunges x 40
Dash 4 -> ditto – Regular sprint, with ground exercises administered (YHC forgot to write that in the moment update in Weinke… and yes, YHC is Weinke dependant)
Human Sled – Partner 1 pushing Partner 2 to the bleachers, flapjack and bring it back!
Human Anchor – Partner 1 dragging Partner 2 to the bleachers, flapjack and bring it back!
Mr Jacques Webbe stopped by for a short taste of Basecamp… climb to 5 merkins/20 raises
…And brought his cousin, Mr Webb Jack… climbing to 5 merkins/30 LBCs
A Burpee… actually 3 quick burpees, on your own!
Mr 2-Pack himself (StrangeBrew) led all in Mary with substantial counts of:
– (more) LBCs
– Dolly
– Bicycle
– the Flutta (Flutter Kicks)
– Heels to the Heaven (and hopefully Tarheels to suspension)
– Matching sets of CCV (Cumberland County Viaducts)
And then a little Mosey back to the SF! (a last minute all-out sprint by Longhorn to lead the pack!— we see you Longhorn!)
Moleskin Quick hits…
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