Fun Bag’s

Fun Bag’s

26 (1 FNG) eager men gathered in the gloom at CCHS for a classic beat down by Runstopper, one catch.. he wasn’t there at the scheduled launch (see moleskin for rest of the story).

The Thang’

  • SSH x 50
  • Squat x30
  • Burpees x10
  • 6 inch Plank – Hold
  • LBC x 30
  • Burpees x 10
  • 6 inch Plank – Hold

Pop tha’ TRUNK – Mosey to the Highlander and hand out the goodies: 9 Sand Bags (35 lbs each) 2 Heavy Bags (100 lbs each – est.)

Partner Up

  • Partner #1 run/shuffle around football field with coupon
  • Partner #2  Mirkens and Slow Squats, Flutter, Rosalita in cadence – no count provided, just keep going until partner #1 returns 

Jog to front entrance of CCHS:

  • Partner #1 – Wall Walkers – Hand stand walk along perimeter wall on hands  (60-70 ft) – lunge walk up ramp.
  • Partner #2 – Sand Bag over head – Lunge walk to stairs, back up ramp
  • FLAPJACK Rinse and repeat 3x

Peoples Chair – alternate leg up 6 inches – hold .30 sec each leg

Leave Coupons Mosey to Benches at front of CCHS

SET #1

  • Decline Mirkens x15
  • Dips x15
  • Step Up (alternating leg) x15
  • PLANK – HOLD until Pax Completes set

SET #2

  • Decline Mirkens x30
  • Dips x30
  • Step Up (alternating leg) x30
  • PLANK – HOLD until Pax Completes set

Naked Moleskin:

Chelms being the MOST ‘punctual’ F3er on earth, did not let the PAX down, he took the Pax on a jog-about to the normal warm-up site.  The Runstopper mobile Red Toyota Highlander comes racing in being driven by me and Ninja turtle, my 14 year old 2.0 navigating the speed bumps. We arrive unhurt but a few minutes late. I stumble out of the car ready to put the hurt on the PAX,  but I chilled, took my sweet time with the warm-up allowing the Pax to settle into a false sense of security… then i popped tha trunk and proceeded to distribute Radars custom made 35 LB bags of sand! The moans and groans were priceless.

Excellent work this morning by all especially FNG Neon. Since Mic-Check head locked him, I’m sure today will not be his last time out in in the gloom.

Oh, shout out to Dauber,  HAPPY 36TH BIRTHDAY! Hope you have a good one!


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Run Stopper author

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Chelms aka Tatertot
11 years ago

Actually I am not the MOST punctual. Punctual means on time and I started 5 minutes early my first Q at Centurion. Loved the creativity even if I’m having a hard time keeping my head off my desk late on Friday afternoon.

A few other points:

1. Radar should have to be in attendance if the punching bags are going to be rolled out. Just glad I did not have to carry one of those things all the way around the field.
2. I thought it was you coming in wheels hot and was about to turn the PAX around (could have been ugly in the dark) but someone in the PAX said you would never drive the M’s ride. I guess they don’t know you very well. (Did you vacumum it out before going home or did you make 2.0 do it).
3. Glad to see you did not throw 2.0 under the bus in the backblast by trying to blame the tardiness on him (although I do beleive you threw him under during COP).
4. Far Side was in typical form with smoke coming out of his nostrils at the beginning. When I asked if he wanted to run in the Spartan Beast he replied “sure”. I feel a Centurion team forming up already.
5. My Sharona is the man – 60 years old carrying sand bags around a football stadium at 5:45am. Strong brother

11 years ago

Chelms, I struggled with the decision to post at Kevlar instead of Centurion. ( for about 30 sec ). In the end I decided that I was letting Runstopper borrow my weapons and no way I’m getting hurt by someone using my weapon. Hope that makes sense. It also sounded awful. Come to Day Zero and you will see me struggle with them too. Good job by all

Chelms aka Tatertot
Reply to  Radar
11 years ago

Radar – Your logic makes some sense but what does that have to do with F3, where CSAUP was invented.

My Sharona
My Sharona
11 years ago

Chelms thanks for the shout out but while you were carrying the 35 lb. sand bag Strange Brew and I carried the heavy punching bag around the football stadium. In fact, he did two laps. That is strong. Proud to be War Daddy although at Core I am usually not the only plus 60 in attendance. Lots of old guys to share the misery. Will be back next week.

Chelms aka Tatertot
Reply to  My Sharona
11 years ago

Old guys are supposed to be wise enough to grab the lite coupons. You must have been off your game slightly this am. I carried the punching bag for one round of lunges and it was aweful. I might still be out there if I had to carry it around the entire football field.

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