30 men (3 FNG’s) posted and several Pax accepted the run to workout option. There was some exploring of the terrain as some ground was covered during this 45-minute expedition. Along the way we found merkins, hills, and more merkins.
The Thang with Bugeater on Q:
2 laps around track, Merkins x 25 at end of each lap
Jog to field behind school
Circle Up:
Side Straddle Hops x 25
Merkins x 20
Imperial Walkers x 25
Merkins x 20
Squats x 20
Wide Arm Merkins x 15
Mason Twist x 15
Diamond Merkins x 10
Partner Up for Prairie Fire Mary: Left x 10, Center x 10, Right x 10 – flapjack
Two line Indian 1/4 mile Run around School
Report to concessions area:
Circuit Work: 30-20-10′s
Dips x 30
Step Ups / Wall Jumps x 20
Burpees x 10
Rinse & repeat 2 times
Jog to football fields:
Partner Up: Partner Drag across field (50 yards) – Flapjack as often as needed, return to start
1/4 mile Run through Trails in woods
Partner Up for Hill Work:
Partner A: 1 city block hill climb, at top of hill merkins x 30
Partner B: Burpees x 5, Heels to Heaven x 10, Jump squats x 10
Flapjack, Rinse & repeat 2 times
Run back 1/2 mile to field behind school:
50 yard sprint x 2
The End
Mosey to parking lot for COT
– Monkey Joe closed out with BOM sendoff
-We are averaging mid-twenties to low-thirties turnout so glad this Thursday offering is making a difference and folks keep coming out to push themselves through the Hydra gloom. We stay on the move at Hydra and mix it up with the 3 headed Q’s (49er, Donkey Kong, YHC). Anyone ready to stand in and serve up an offering let any of us know and we will turn you lose for a workout, or 1/2 a workout.
-3 FNG’s posted. Welcome to the PAX – Vapor, Rentacop, and Abomb! Has anyone seen that new FNG Mall cop brought out several weeks ago who disappeared mid-workout? We think the Hydra Monster may have eaten him. Mall Cop – what’s the end to that story? By the way, I may flex my Q muscles and perform a rename for rentacop. We have a Mall cop already, and since the last name screams ZZ Top we should go with one of their biggest hits, Legs! So welcome to rentacop rename Legs. If the name Legs happens to be taken, we will pick from the list of zz top songs for a fine replacement.
-The run/bike to workout is now a standard Hydra challenge during the warmer months. Those living more than 1 mile away can meet at the Food Lion in Candlewyck and run 1 mile to OPE.
-Remember we all have varying levels of experience. Do what you can, modify where you need, just keep coming back, and keep pushing yourself. Those that keep coming begin to crave more gloom.
-South Charlotte T-shirts are in. Mall Cop is handing out at workouts over next several days.
– 2nd F Pig Pickin with DJ – June 13, 2013 5-9 PM. Olde Providence Baseball Fields. Bring Side Dish/Dessert, picnic style eating so bring blankets, chairs, bring own drinks, no alcohol bottles or cans (be discreet and bring in containers ready for drinking) Over 45 F3 families confirmed, so will be a huge showing. Raffle with prizes, Kickball, Cornhole, and Joker working on dance moves.
-F3 Camp at Camp Thunderbird August 16-18. Header has details and also is on F3nation.com website signup. Great event for dads and kids. Let’s sign up. This is offered to all of F3nation so people will be coming from all over. $80 per person for the weekend includes lodging.
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