Somebody get the Q a watch…..Interminable!

Somebody get the Q a watch…..Interminable!

The VSF was planted and 28 pax including 1 FNG mustered for an assault on SkunkWorks.  The morning already seemed a bit unorthodox from the start due to the need to park on the Fullwood side of the church.  #patterninterrupt  Nevertheless, we got after it immediately.

The Thang:

Jog around the lot to COP.


SSH x 25

IW x 25

Merkins x 13

20 Minute Challenge:

Circuit of 4 exercises repeated for 20 minutes.

5 Burpees

10 Upright Rows w/KB

15 Mtn Climbers

20 Two-handed swings w/KB

Partner Up:

Partner 1 runs ~120 yards while Partner 2 does alternating one-hand swings with KB. Flapjack.

Partner 1 runs while Partner 2 does Goblet Squats with KB.  Flapjack.

Partner 1 runs while Parner 2 does Merkins. Flapjack.

Partner 1 runs while Partner 2 does Upright Rows with KB.  Flapjack.

Partner 1 runs while Partner 2 does Widearm merkins.  Flapjack.

Mary session:

Slow flutter x 13

Freddy Mercury x 13

Rosalita x 13

LBC x 13



On the initial warmup jog, Runstopper informed YHC that he intended to do Fast Twitch this morning, but that his morning constitutional took precedence – no offense Sprague.  YHC forgot his watch, but Crabcake was gracious to lend me his.   This was critical for the 20 minute Challenge.  No notice given to the pax as to how long the circuits would last = fair amount of mumblechatter.  Though the pain must have been sufficient as the crowd was unusually quiet…crowdpleaser I suppose.

We were scrambling to find enough KBs and dumbbells to start; but fitted everyone with something.  I will say Fish Taco had it a bit easy with one of YHC’s dumbbells – expect you to add at least 15 or 20 lbs next week brother!

Not surprisingly though still impressive to see — Bulldog, Fletch, Busch and Frostbite were really getting after it on the runs!  Nice work fellas.

FNG Tackling Dummy described himself as such when Harley (who EH’d him) mentioned he played football at Auburn.  Self-named….sort of….but sufficiently derogatory so it was allowed by the pax.

Enjoyed it men.  See you in the gloom again soon.


Anvil, The Maul or Death Valley – 5:30 Wednesday morning.  Pick one and be there.


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