23 men, including 3 FNG, rolled out of the fartsack and hit the ground running for another Rookie Day at Area 51.
Mosey to soccer fields for COP (all in cadence)
* SSH x 15
* IW x 15
* Squats x 15
* Merkins x 10
* Mtn Climbers x 15
Divide into 2 groups, Rookies with Abacus and Veterans with Slap Shot
Rookies line up on soccer field for Devil’s Work-out (6x6x3) with 6 called exercises x 6 stops x 3 reps at each stop
Rd 1 Peter Parkers
Rd 2 Parker Peters
Rd 3 Squats
Rd 4 LBCs
Rd 5 Sister Mary Katherines
Rd 6 Merkins
Mosey to Playground for 3 stations:
* Pull-up’s x 5, Dips x 10, Incline Merkins x 10
* Pull-up’s x 5, Dips x 15, Decline Merkins x 15
* Pull-up’s x 5, Dips x 10, Wide Arm Merkins x 10
Mosey back to soccer fields for 5 MOM (in cadence):
* Dolly x 15, Flutter x 15, Rosalita x 15
Indian Run around perimeter of soccer field
Veterans with Slap Shot, run to lower field for:
* Walking lunge/bear crawl/plank
* High knees/10 burpees
* Karaoke down and back/plank
* Back peddle/10 burpees
Run to school
* Squats/Dips x 30 (repeat)
Run to trail
* Jump ups x 25/trail run
Run to wall
* People’s Chair/Merkins x 15
* People’s Chair/Diamond Merkins x 15
* People’s Chair/Wide arm merkins x 20
Two groups meet up at the soccer field for 6 MOM
Rookies head with Slap Shot to Rock Pile for:
* Rock curls/squats/over head press (x 20) repeat
Return rocks and head to soccer fields for:
* Walking lunge/jog/10 burpees/jog/plank
Run to lower field for:
* Plank/Peter Parker
Run to trail
* Dips x 25/trail run
Veterans go w/ Abacus to end of soccer field for full fledged Devil’s Work-out (6x6x6) with 6 called exercises x 6 stops x 6 reps at each stop
* Rd 1 Peter Parker
* Rd 2 Parker Peter
* Rd 3 Knee Ups
* Rd 4 Sister Mary Katherines
* Rd 5 LBCs
* Rd 6 Merkins
Mosey over to front of School for:
* People’s Chair x 1 min / Lunge walk to parking lot
* People’s Chair x 1 min / Lunge walk to parking lot
Both groups meet back up in parking lot for COT
– Another nice turnout for Rookie Day with 3 FNGs and return of couple FNGs from previous week’s Rookie Day. Welcome. Keep coming back.
– Props to FNG Shane Hughes (Barnacle) for continuing to push himself/substitute exercises when bum shoulders would not allow him to complete called upon exercise. We hope to see you back out in there in the coming weeks.
– Does Joker’s motor ever stop. Always seems to be at the front of the PAX no matter what we are doing. Not sure he has a kryptonite.
– Get your F3 Charlotte South T-shirt order in by Sunday, 6/22, for initial order going out on Monday, 6/23.
– F3 Dads every Saturday in June at Colonel Francis Beatty Park (Weddington Road) from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Bring your 2.0s, boys and girls, for some fitness, fun, and games.
– RSVP to the Pig Pickin, 7/13 at Olde Providence School Baseball Fields. Evite from Bugeater.
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