Haggis Caught Mallcopping

Haggis Caught Mallcopping

Two for Tuesday:

An impromptu double-down workout inspired by a delirious 49er after slipping into a runners high on the last leg of this morning’s Fast Twitch rodeo.

The Thang:

Group of four fellow BRR runners gathered off at the 4-Mile Creek Greenway (current site of Devils Turn) for a nice evening fellowship run to top off this mornings’ fun.   Relatively easy run of about 4.5 miles – no hills, no sprints, no surprises.  Stepped up the pace a bit at the end and beat the lightning by about 5 minutes.


No, “Mall-copping” is not some kind of disease (though it does seem to be spreading) – this is F3 Lingo for the act of fartsacking after talking big game.

It was supposed to be 5 runners today, but somehow we missed Haggis.  For those who missed the banter on the other back-blasts, Haggis laid out a strong challenge with “I just hope the Fast Twitch fellows are taking this as seriously as the Sons of Ballantyne.  Do they even care about this epic battle…?”   After stepping it up a notch and receiving an invitation for today’s double-down, Haggis threw out the rock-hard commit of “It’s on, pal”.

So we all waited at 5:45… 5:50… 5:55… but no Haggis?  Looks like he Mallcopped-out on this one.   Apparently he didn’t even have the stones to make it out for a friendly fellowship run.  Just giving you a hard time… we all love you Haggis – and we’ll get this epic battle underway next time.  Live to fight another day lad.

We were actually a little worried as we didn’t even see him at the end – we all pray that he is safe and not stuck under a Balarney Stone somewhere in Waxhaw.


  • Friends don’t let friends Mallcop-out – at least not without a good beatdown in the backblast
  • HDHH Wednesday Vinter’s Wine Market in the Arboretum



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Turkey Leg author

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11 years ago

Mallcopping. A new verb. Haggis come on go ruck buddy. Looks like some healthy BRR team call outs. Lets turn up the game BRR team. Not far off and we will be running 3 10k’s uphill with little sleep over 24 hours. Lets work on getting mileage up. Set some goals and lets push each other.

11 years ago

I think we should cut Haggis some slack. Probably just a matter of lost in the translation. “It’s on, pal” probably means something completely different in Scottish.

Mall Cop
11 years ago

Really 49er? Really? The real lexicon is a Level 7 UA (unexcused absence)!

11 years ago

It means: I’m ready to fight! All of you at once. Any time.

Just kidding, fellas. Truth is, I had to go and see a demanding customer and forgot all about my big words earlier in the day. I’d much rather have been running with you all. Hope you did some burpees while you were waiting.

Next time.

11 years ago

“Going to see a demanding customer” could be code for “going down to the pub to have a few pints with the lads.”

Just kidding Haggis.

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